I have some exhaust valve troubles(I think)with my
1996 RMX 250.
So I was riding one day and the bike stalled out like you hit the kill switch. So I took the plug out and somehow the gap got closed so I opened it back up and tried to start it. It fired right up. So, I went home and took the plug out and noticed that there was a piece of metal in it. We took apart the head and saw that one of the exhaust valves were cracked, and one of the guides was cracked. So we ordered new piston, rings, gaskets, and the needed parts for the exhaust valve.
We got it back together and because of the oil used on the rings and exhaust valve it was smoking, I knew it was gonna smoke for a little bit. Now that it cleared that out I figured it would be fine, wrong. It still is smoking more than it used to and is acting really rich. The pipe has some oil in it. The bike is running really good down bottom, but when you get to the top end it starts to cut out and load up. I took out the plug figuring I would see alot of oil. It looked a little lean! I torqued all bolts to service manual specs, adjusted power valves to service manual specs... I have no clue what to do.
Anyone have any ideas?