Explain the detonation sound!!!


Jun 10, 2003
This has probably been asked a million times but here it goes. I am new to this whole tuning thing and its time to start testing. I understand the concept of detonation and what causes it, but I really don't know what I am listening for. I've been told its a pinging noise and you just learn to hear it. I don't understand how you can hear it over the engine/exhaust noise since it is so loud normally. Could somebody give me their best explanation of the sound I should be listening for or direct me to a source that explains it? Thanks in advance!!


Jan 22, 2002
if you are under a load say in sand or climbing a hill and you feel a loss inpower at the same time it sounds like someone is rolling a can full of marbles inside your engine that is bad. Ever hear an old car shut off and give that clatter/shudder? It is very similar.

listening to your 2stroke bike idle and it has that "someone making popcorn" sound in your pipe it is not the engine death rattle.


May 17, 2002
Another time you will hear detonation is when your jetting is lean. You'll hear a knock knock when you shut the throttle on deceleration or right at an upper gear coast when the engine is being pushed by the back wheel.

Hope this helps.
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