First bike suggestions (new rider)


Apr 30, 2007
Hi everyone.Im 5'6 and weigh 260 lbs.I wanna start dirtbiking but dont wanna drain my wallet.I want something that will let me trail ride as well as some jumps (Nothing major 4-6 ft tops).I live in Northeastern pennsylvania.I,ve been looking in papers for the past week for used bikes and i cant seem to find a bike for myself. I am currently looking for a kawasaki KLX300. Nowhere to be seen used here in pennsylvania. There is a part shop down the road from me (LITERALLY!).They are heavily dirt orientated.Im looking for a 4 stroke.In the range of $1,000 to $2,500.I will not get the bike untill mid summer.(about late june early july.) Im 15 yrs old btw.Ur input will be very much appreciated by me. :nod: :) :p


Sep 9, 2006

Fill that out ^^

But i would say a 125 2-stroke. It would pull you around pretty well. And its a good beginner biek for that size. Or a KDX220 its a 2-stroke to but it made for trals and has the charisterics of a 4-stroke.

But if you want a 4-stroke there is the KLX300 It will be a good beginner bike. Along with the CRF230 or TTR230. But besides those bikes you not going to find any other decient 4-strokes in that price range. Even used. Maby a CRF250X or WR250F if you get lucked for $2,500...

Oh yeah you could always go and find a used XR250 or somthing it is a 4-stroke and you can get the pretty cheap. And there really string to.
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Apr 30, 2007
WEll, i tried looking for one around my area (KLX300) and cant seem to find ANY fourstroke under $3,500. I asked 2 of my friends that already ride about which bike to get for me and they gave me the same exact answer u gave me.(Bikes and all!) :nod:


Aug 24, 2008
Is there any place to ride up there? I want to teach my two sons how to ride but can't find any place to take them in Annville PA (outside of Hershey)
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