first race


Mar 10, 2009
So instead of starting another thread I just will add on 2 his one.... Anyway had my 2nd race this past weekend... Just wanted 2 tell some more people about it lol... Anyways it was at birch creek in danville Va and it was a awesome track... First moto I went down pretty hard but managed 2 get up and come in 9th.... 2nd moto I ran a nice smooth race without going down lol... Ended up coming in 6th that moto which gave me a 7th place finish overall Wich I was very pleased with.. And I even have me a 7th place little plaque to hang up on the wall... Just wanted 2 share with you all since I'm still stoked about it...


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Congratulations! Sure sounds like you have the bug nicely, the racing bug. Keep practicing, stay focused whatever it takes, breathe through your nose and have fun getting faster. After 10 or 15 plaques, they become plagues. Wall space disappears quickly.


Mar 10, 2009
Thanks man!!! Oh yeah its definitely contagious... Next race is the 13th of this month and I can't wait... Thanks for the support man
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