Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
It didn't look like it would be a good Christmas morning for riding. The weather was calling for rain and cold wind. In fact, the power went off at 2:00 am. Anyway, it was a great Christmas as Cody was so excited to get his bike.

He tried on all the gear and amazingly it all fits! When it finally got light outside (he got up at 4:30 am) we put all the gear on (again) and headed to one of the neighbors yard (large, level, grass area with only one tree). They are only there on weekends and mostly during the summer months only. Anyway, Lesson 1: I show Cody where the brakes are and how to stop. Lessor 2: Next we discuss how to give it gas, where to put his feet, and again, where the brakes are!!

I walk about 15 yards away and tell him to ride to me and stop! He gives it full throttle and proceeds to fly by me. Somehow he forgot the lesson on how to stop. I grab him off the bike as he goes by (he was heading for the woods). I pick the bike up, start it back up and once again we go over, Lesson 1: THESE ARE THE BRAKES, USE THEM!!

Now he seems to be getting used to the bike. He makes several trips up and down the grass, stopping each time before he turns around. So it only took three times for Lessor 1 to sink in. After a few more trips, he's now making turns without stopping. The longer he rides, the more confident he gets. Turning faster, leaning more to the side.

After about 20 minutes, he has pretty much gotten the hang of starting, stopping, and turning. I'm thinking this has been a pretty good first ride. Uh ooh... Lesson 3: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS look where you're going or that one tree is going to jump in front of you when you're not looking. Well he learned this lessor also. At near full speed, WHAM right in to the tree. Why did he hit the tree? He was looking at us to see if we were watching him. Oh we were watching all right!!

He sat down and cried for a little bit but after a while I got on my bike and told him to get back on his, we were going riding. I wasn't about to let him put it up after a crash. He rode for about 10 more minutes (looking where he was going this time) and them we put the bikes in the garage. It was freezing cold!

In the end, he was laughing and ready to go riding some more. He laughed when I told him to be careful, those trees will jump right in front of you if you're not paying attention.

Pictures of First Ride
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Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
He turned 6 in August but has been riding without training wheels for almost a year now.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
That's awesome! He's so cute . . . I love seeing kids on bikes.

When do we get to hear about the KX?
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Neely, that's so cute. Way to go on the choosing of the gear too. We have one child in the club who forever looks to see if you're watching or not - we keep yelling at him & pulling him over to get him to look ahead - he's slowly learning (his mate's now doing tricks like putting his feet on the seat as he goes past - of course he makes darn sure you're watching but he's better at looking ahead). Glad the tree incident wasn't more serious. Probably the best lesson he could've given himself on day one. As for him getting up at 4.30am, no thanks. Did he have some idea of what you were getting him? What a great mom & I still can't believe you kept that a secret for so long. ;)

Now, as FC says - when are we going to hear about the KX?


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
He pulled a pretty good chunk of bark off the tree, with a plastic lever no less. He has always been one who learned the hard way but I'm glad it wasn't worse. I think the bars are a little bent but not too bad.

Last night, he put the gear on again and wanted to go riding. Unfortunately, it was already dark. I don't know when he'll get to ride again. We're off to the doctor, probably bronchitis! At least he made it through Christmas before getting sick.

The KX, not to much to tell there. I only rode it a few minutes after his crash, just to get him back on his. Hopefully I'll be able to ride this weekend.

He was convinced he was getting a bike for Christmas. I asked him why he thought he was getting one and he said "If I don't , I'll just keep bugging Santa until I do".

More pictures and stories when we ride next time!


Aug 13, 1999
Dirtbikes under the tree!!! Great story Neely, good to hear he got back on the bike.

Just remember, make sure to remind him about the brakes before the next ride too. I thought my daughter would remember the brakes on her second ride on the LEM. Karl and my son were down the hill from the shop working on a little track for the girls. I started Randi's bike up, she got on it as I turned my back to start up Kayla's bike. When I turned around I saw her speeding down the hill towards Pat & Karl with Karl screaming "Brakes, brakes, use your brakes!!!" and Randi saying "aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Karl ran to catch her but she made it past him smacked into Pat's KX60 and fell over.

After a little crying all was fine, except the radiator shroud on the 60.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
I hadn't thought of that! I guess it's a good idea to remind him of that for a while. He probably won't be able to ride until next weekend. It was bronchitis! When I picked him up last night from my dads, he was wearing his gear!


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
I took Cody riding again last Sunday afternoon. It was a beautiful day for riding, high in the mid 60's and sunny! He rode in a big grass area for two and a half hours. The only time he stopped was when the bike needed gas. At first, he was dragging his feet but soon, he had them on the pegs where they belong. After a while, we started him doing figure 8's because until now, he had only been turning left. As he got more confident, he went faster and faster, he even stood up on a few occasions. No tree incidents this time but he did slide down one time. I was surprised to see him pick the bike up and start it all by himself.

While John watched him ride, I took the KX to the slate area next to where Cody was riding. The area is pretty open with some big hills and some short trails scattered about. It's not somewhere I'd want to ride often but I was eager to give the KX a try. I was immediately surprised at how light the bike feels. I was able to gas it and lift the front end over some bumps. The engine didn't stall easily and was easier to ride than I expected. I had thought I would have to use the clutch often but it wasn't necessary. There was one trail where you could make a hard left turn and go up a steep hill. The first three attempts, I made it 75% of the way up but stalled each time. I was determined to make it up this hill!!! I tried coming from the other direction and made it up the hill finally. I made it up the hill three more times from that direction but never from the left. I was upset until I remembered I had never made it up from that direction on the XR either because the dirt gets really loose towards the top.

One thing I learned the hard way it the bike is so much lighter than the XR that roots can be more dangerous. First crash is out of the way!! I hit a root and the back end bounced around really fast. I ended up on the handle bars, then back on the seat but couldn't save it and went down.

After that, I tried the different hills that are there. Some are small and steep while others are long and steep. The bike did great. Even with a running start or without, I was able to make it to the top with minimal clutch work.

I'll know more when I ride it in tight woods but so far, I LOVE THIS BIKE!!!!

:aj: :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
That's awesome to hear! We knew you would. Welcome to the dark side . . . :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Way to go Neely :) Glad Cody's over his bronchitis, that can't have been much fun :(
So, now we've got you doing tricks? Wahoo, the handlebar-seat-down, next it'll be the handlebar-seat-upright?
Cool that you're enjoying your new bike and so's little Cody :)


Jan 17, 2001
Great stories, Neely! Glad Cody is getting used to the bike. He will be winning races, just like his Mom before you know it!! Glad you like the KX also. I knew you would like the weight of it compared to the XR--big difference. Makes it easier to maneuver around and does not wear you out as much. Enjoy!! We look forward to hearing more soon!
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