First Time at a Real Track


Aug 6, 2001
Ever since I went to my first race last summer, I could hardly wait to get my CR on a real track. My friend has a couple practice tracks on his property, and they're actually very nice for being privately maintained, but I could hardly wait for the real thing.

So today I went with my friend Kris (who just qualified to Loretta Lynn's last weekend in 250C) up to Spring Valley Raceway in north eastern Ohio. I was so nervous and and excited I could hardly contain myself. When I got out there, I was so surprised. I was actually pretty decent. I had no trouble in the soft berms, had some pretty good exits actually and I was clearing the two table tops after a few laps, and having no trouble with most of the smaller doubles. I almost tried the uphill triple by the end of the day, but I was feeling tired and didn't want to risk it. I was easily doubling that and the other uphill double there. The only other jump I didn't do is a big step up double with a hard landing called "the Jawbreaker". But I'm feeling confident that next time...I can try it.

My bike ran awesome. It was a pretty hot day, close to 95, and I'm guessing that makes you run a little rich because I had a little bit of spooge coming from the screw in the front part of the silencer. It quit after my first session though. It may have just been because I let the bike idle a while before I left off and I blew it out when I got on the track. Or I just recently switched to Honda HP-2, so that could be it too. Either way, one thing is for sure, my bike was never ridden like that before!

I am in pretty good shape (so I thought), but I couldn't handle more than 3 or 4 laps at a good pace before I had to pull off, get a drink, and rest my arms. I only had one mistake, I didn't want to jump this big double and I rolled up it too fast, and didn't have the throttle on. I nosedived hard and hit my chest off the bars...but fortunately me and the bike were fine. I bottomed the forks out I think, but I didn't go down and rode off, none the worse for wear. Needless to say after I did about 20 laps throughout the day, I was downright exhuasted. I had never been that tired EVER...not after any football game or practice or anything. Made me feel awesome.

Only one other event to report. For the second time in less than a week my bike fell over in my truck. I think the hooks on the tow straps are two big and when the bike rocks a little, they can get pulled out. I'm going to smash them in in the vice tomorrow, hopefully get that settled. Well I wanted to post these pics though of my radiators...they aren't leaking and I shot the hose through both sides and they appear to flow fine. These were the casualties from two falls in the truck. They don't seem too bad...but I do know if I ever do replace them, Rad Braces are a MUST...

But if you guys could check these out and just tell me what you think, I'd love it.

I could hardly wait to come home and tell you guys how AWESOME it is to be out on the track, riding these bikes like they're made to be ridden. This one day was better than any ride I've ever taken. I'm going up to Steel City next month...that should be a great one too. Thanks guys and give me your thoughts on those rads.


Jan 5, 2002
A suggestion: I know eveyone says that the fork seal protector doesn't work (the one that goes between the wheel and the fender when your bike is strapped into your truck) but it really works well to "tighten" the bike in the truck. I've got a piece of PVC pipe that I use. I put it in, pull the straps down as tight as possible (forks only compress about 2 inches), I'll see the tube "bite" into to the tire a bit, and it won't budge at all. Just a technique.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
cool ride report. now it's time to race. ;)


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
I liked your ride report too, Nice!


Aug 6, 2001
Yeah I had the exact same thought about making one of those fork saver devices myself for tie downs. I don't think it's worth buying something that you can make so easily. I was originally going to use a 4"x4" by now I think I'm definetely going to go for the 3" PVC pipe idea. I think I have some extra laying around the garage. I'll just cut it to length and I should be set. But those rads aren't too bad right?

And thanks for enjoying my report. Needless to say, the day after I'm left with huge blisters on my hands, an incredibly sore upper body, but I'm still ecstatic (sp).

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999

BTW, if you run a bungee cord from one tie down to the other under the front fender, it will take up the slack whever the bike rocks.


Aug 6, 2001
You gotta love ingenuity. I went outside and found a 3" diameter PVC pipe, cut it down to a little under a foot and it fits like a dream between the fender and tire. I also put the ends of my tie downs in a vice and clamped them down so hopefully now they'll have an almost impossible time sliding out of the eyehooks if the bike rocks. Hopefully I'll never have to worry about another bike falling over (or a leaky fork seal) again! Plus I even put a coat of gold spray paint on the pipe to give it that "works" look haha. Thanks for the suggestion guys, it should be perfect.
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