First time thumper...


Apr 19, 2007
Hey I've been looking for a 4 stroke for a little while and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I've always owned 250 2 strokes, but I really want to make the switch to a 4 stroke for all of the standard reasons. I'm looking for used bikes and trying to keep it under $1500. I don't really do anything too crazy with my bikes, trail riding mostly, maybe a little racing. I've seen a few for sale that look like they could be '01 YZ426F and a '99 YZ400F, any thoughts?

I was going to put this in the "What bike should I get?" thread, but I know I want a 4 stroke, so I figured I would go to the pros.
Jan 3, 2007
I would go for any of them if they are well maintained. There are some people that still have the original valves in their 426.


Jan 6, 2008
There are more than 'some' people with original valves in their 426 (and 400 too). Most people I talk to still have original valves and only had to adjust them once or twice if that.


May 22, 2000
Agreed. The cheapest I've seen 400/426f's in the 98' or 99' range is $2200 and still be in good condition.

Just remember to take any general maintnance into consideration before you by a used bike. I got a good deal on a nice 00' Kx125 for $1300, but have had to put about $600 in it in the form of suspension seals, bearings, etc. So, in all reality that makes my bike more like $1900.

My point is just make sure you have extra money for the unforseen things that have to be fixed once you actually get her home. ;)
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