float height?


Aug 2, 2005
Trying to adj float height on 03 cr 250 with mikuni. The book says set it to "x" millimeters once the float valve contacts the float tip." On my carb the float valve rides on the float tip so it is always in contact. That makes it hard to set the level. Also on the valve is a little "tit" that compresses into the bullet shaped valve. Is the measurement taken with the bullet seated and the "tit" compressed or just at the point where the bullet seats and the tit still extended? Thanks


Nov 24, 2003
float height

The "tit" should not be compressed. You will have to hold the carb at an angle, not completely upside down to accomplish this. The book doesn't make this very clear, it just says not to compress the "tit". From what I have read the best way to do this is to turn the carb upside down and hold it at about 45 deg. or to the point where the float tang just touches the "tit". Then make your measurement, adjust, remeasure, adjust... 'till you get it where you need it to be.
I found that it was a little quicker to make a mark where I wanted the float height to land. Then if make the adjustment until it gets to that point. This is a little quicker than adjusting and measuring everytime. Once you think it's there, measure it .
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