FMF AOF Power Ignition System

Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
Has anyone used this product. It is suppose to have two different ignition curves, which allow you to set the ignition for either torque or top end all with the flip of a switch. I am wondering if it is really worth the money. I am an average "B" harescrambler and I don't normally use all of the power my bike has anyway. I can see where more torque would be good at times, but isn't it better to just learn your bike and adjust your riding style for various situations? I would probably benefit more from just practicing and learning my bike better as it is. FMF is selling these units for $99.00 right now and it looked tempting, but not a necessity. What's your feedback on this product?


Monkey Butt

Jun 1, 2000
Sorry, I didn't see the other thread on this before posting. It doesn't look like there is much interest in this topic, but why have they been disontinued?

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