
Mar 28, 2004
Kind of doing some soul searching so please bare with me...:

I went to a new mx track yesterday and wouldn't even take my bike out of the truck. What I saw were two sets of 50 foot gapped doubles, 75 foot downhill triples, a 65 foot uphill double and an assortment of other rythm sections. I got so bummed that I just went woods riding instead (and I am not a woods guy). I have no doubt that I could have done everything on the track, but I just had no desire to ride it. I am thinking that the sport has simply passed this old guy by and it might be time to close up shop. My local tracks used to be safe and fun, but the big air craze has taken over. I think this is why we have so few mini riders in this area, the tracks intimidate them too bad. At any rate, I am more bummed about riding than I have ever been. I need my own safe track, but cannot do it at this time. If any of you vet riders have ever experienced this, I would like to know what you did. Kinda feel left out. :ugg: :ugg: :ugg:


Jan 15, 2004
Oh yeah, I know the feeling. Every time I go to a new track I get the same doubts. Since you say you could probably do everything on the track, then I'd guess you are used to being one of the better riders wherever you go. It makes it hard to have fun when you put pressure on yourself to compete with others. I bet if you were the only rider there, you would have ridden the track and had a great time.

For me, the hardest part about transitioning from racer to weekend rider has been eliminating all expectations of myself. One thing that helps me is not running numbers on my bike. Now, when I show up at a track I go to have fun. I don't feel the need to compete with anyone, clear anything or run the fastest lap times. I still ride like I always have, but the pressure is off.

If all else fails, apply the old pilot's saying to MX. "There are old riders and there are bold riders, but there are no old bold riders".


Mar 28, 2004
So you still ride, but quit racing? I never thought about the numbers thing, but it does make sense. I'm just not having any fun, and I was not one of the faster guys. My mx results are not near what my "stick and ball" results were and I kind of feel like a bench warmer mxer..:)


Mar 28, 2004
mxmatt426 said:
What track were you at? Sounds like triple nickel mx.

I personally hate big jumps, I know what your saying.

It happened at Blackrock in Litchfield, and Thrill Hill in Tn, as well. Its not the tracks, it just my me.....:)


Sponsoring Member
Jan 1, 2001
Bingo on the lack of desire to lay it all out on the line. Ive come to a point where the trophy just isnt worth it anymore and I just ride to enjoy myself. Wether its in a race or just play riding, I go to enjoy the thrill of the ride. Then I come home happy.
Ride on old dude


Feb 2, 2004
check out they have a 2 mile MX track and the biggest double is maybe 20 feet. It is all natural terrain and probably not that far from you. I drive by three other MX tracks on my way there.

And don't take your numbers off, bikes look funny without numbers.


Jan 15, 2004
Oh yeah, it's fun to run stealth-style. Motocross is a sport where everyone constantly compares themselves to racers in other classes. If you show up with numbers, then everyone on the track is gunning for you. If you show up with no numbers, then you just sort of blend in. You don't necessarily have to remove your numbers, but it helped me change my attitude from trying to be fast to trying to have fun. Riding is also the most enjoyable form of excercise I know. I'd much rather ride a 45 minute moto than spend 45 minutes on a treadmill.

Two years ago, I was a solid A rider. Now, I ride 3-4 days a month and I'm way off my prior mark. I still have days when I walk down A-riders. Then there are other days when I'll let a C-rider check-out on me because I'm not comfortable with the conditions. That's the luxury you have when you don't go out with preconceived expectations. Last year people would say "yeah, that 99 is sorta fast, but he's got a bit of a beer belly for an A rider" :ugg: . Now, they say "damn, that old guy on the CRF is ripping, and he doesn't even race!" :aj: .

I also make it fun by riding wheelies on the uphills, taking the slower line when its more fun (like a deep outside berm), and styling jumps instead of always trying to go fast. Some days I'll go to a track and spend most of the day practicing stoppies or wheelies in the freeriding area. "Stay gold pony boy", you know what I mean?
Last edited:


Feb 2, 2004
I am a B level rider. I am not the fastest or the slowest and I learned to deal with it. I will never be any faster than I am now. But, I can have the cleanest YZF with shinny blue rims and a polished Yoshi exhaust and a Rekluse auto-clutch. I can't whip it real far, but I can hold my own on the best looking bike contest. If you can't do good... look good.


May 30, 2002
i know exactly what you guys are talking about, im 25 and i just started riding mx last fall. i used to only ride woods but i started going to few tracks on practice days and i realized i like the mx stuff more than woods but some of the jumps are getting ridiculous. i would rather ride on a natural terrain track with no man made jumps but there isnt any around here that i know of. the one track i got to often is fairly safe the only exception being a 100ft double which i roll over but the track owner told my friend that they are making some changes to the track and adding a 70ft triple.


Mar 28, 2004
I have never been a big jumper. I always had fun with the smaller stuff though. I like to jump, but I dont like big gapped doubles. An ideal track for me would be a small sx style track that quads would run on. Almost seems like I cannot find my niche anymore. The youngsters want to fly.

Mind sharing what three tracks you drive by to get to motohead park. I have never heard of that one.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
mxmatt426 said:
I will never be any faster than I am now.
I am (almost) 40 and have been riding for almost 20 years. I am faster today than I have ever been. It's partially because I'm a slow learner and partially because I *really* sucked when I started.'re young, you can (and probably will) get faster.

I have been to one track that I wouldn't ride their SX track (thankfully they had a "normal" MX track) and a couple where I decided to roll a few jumps. Have fun where you want to and avoid what you feel it wise to avoid.


Mar 28, 2004
I totally agree with Shig on the exercise statement. I always thought of mx as motorized arobics. My hangup is that I despise rolling jumps. I don't always need to do the triple, but I like to at least double it. If I go to a track that forces me to roll jumps, I feel like a beginner and head to a different track.
Unfortunately, I am about out of other tracks to head to.
These darn kids and their quest for BIG air....... ;) ;) ;)


Sponsoring Member
May 5, 2002
I went to harescrambling yrs ago just because of the tracks,I will be 40 in 2wks and cannot afford a serious injury now.I race VET B at harescambles finish in 5th or 6th usually,ride as fast as I can within control.I have grown to love the company I ride with as much as the racing. When we practice,10 guys take off into woods for 2hrs and see who comes out 1st.We take a break or 2,talk some trash,swap bikes,and plan the next ride.Try it for 6mths you will get addicted,I rarely ride a track only when my 15yr old son makes me.I am trying to keep him into harescambling and enduro because I do not have the money to buy a trailer,pay mx coaches,etc. to be really competitive these days.With harescambling and enduro's there is not as big a disadvantage for the little guy and everyone can pretty much ride the race just how fast is the question.


Mar 28, 2004
I have done a few haresrambles during the last few years, but always return to the mx tracks. I had a good time doing them, but I do like to do a decent amount of jumping that I could not find in a haresramble event. I may have to give it another try, but I will have to invest in some equipment that I do not have. Bark busters, skid plate, drinking system , etc., and I know that my shining mx bikes are gonna look pretty rough after a scramble or two. BTW, I am over 40 and I find myself more concerned about the injury thing than ever before.


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
At 42, I don't compete any longer but still enjoy riding tracks. Like Gomer said, roll the ones that are likely to cause injury if not cleared correctly.

I'll run an offroad race on occasion but haven't in a while. I'm still running TORO race numbers on the bike and have never had a problem with track hotshoes jacking with me. Maybe it's the distinguishable offroad numbering.... or maybe it's cause I'm so slow that I'm worth wasting the time on! :laugh:


Aug 25, 2000
I, like Gomer, am on the last lap approaching the big 40 and am argueable riding the best I've ridden most of my life. I gave up racing a few years ago and did the "stealth" blank numberplate track riding for several years, as most of my riding buddies were still avid racers (shig is right about the lack of "expectation"...really fun actually). Since then I've gone back to more woods riding and am really enjoying myself once again.

I have the same issues with the "big air" tracks and have no desire anymore to try that 80' double, been there, done's just not worth it anymore. I've had the "big crash" and all the associated time off work, worry for the family, etc. I deeply LOVE to ride motorcycles. If I don't enjoy myself riding a track with huge jumps, I simply don't go. I'll go trail riding instead.

I really think the key is the "company you keep". Trail riding with good buddies is an absolute blast...and more of a race than it sometimes should be if you have buddies like mine ;)

I also took up trials riding, which I now wish I discovered 20 yrs ago...I'd have been a much better all-round rider today. To keep the "competitive bug" in check, I now compete in trials event from time to time and have a blast.

Don't quit, enjoy riding for what it is.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Hey twinny? isn't a Toro a lawnmower? We have those races up this way, can't figure out why but they race em'/.

Turning 47 this year, and finally starting riding woods. but I found that I jump more then i did when i was 25. Not sure why, but as long as the jumps have good landings its not so bad. The problem seems to be that guys building tracks feel the need to have a jump that will punish you is you miss or come up short. Tracks can have all the doubles and triples it wants, but they just need to make them forgiving.
But hell i am dam near 50 so i guess i would think that way !



Jan 17, 2001
showtime586 said:
I need my own safe track, but cannot do it at this time. If any of you vet riders have ever experienced this, I would like to know what you did. Kinda feel left out. :ugg: :ugg: :ugg:
I feel the same way. I even did a job on my foot in 1998 that still hurts today. Now I just either single the crazy jumps or simply avoid the track all together. We have a series here in NC called JMX where the promoter makes sure the tracks are very safe. The teenager kids hate it but he says he doesn't care. I always go and complement him on his safe tracks nearly every time I ride.

It just isn't worth it to get hurt doing what you love. There aren't may days in my life I'd like to do over, but the day I hurt my foot is number 1.

I say that and I still ride because I love it. I live and learn. I don't need to jump the wild stuff because I'm not a pro. As long as I can ride, I love it. Doing the big jumps isn't a thrill for me, they just scare the wits out of me. I have more fun passing you on the ground around a fast turn.

Remember, you have control of the throttle, no need to jump anything that's unsafe.


Jan 17, 2001
High Lord Gomer said:
I have been to one track that I wouldn't ride their SX track (thankfully they had a "normal" MX track) and a couple where I decided to roll a few jumps.
And exactly what track was this? Just curious.


May 30, 2002
i ride most of the time at r&d raceway because it is pretty close to where i live, it is fairly safe except the 100ft double but the track owner is going to make changes adding bigger jumps. i also rode a lot at creekside which is a really small practice track that is safe but it is too small. i have rode at high voltage once and it was too gnarly for me, it is like a sx track built on a mx track, i think the only jump i did was the table top, the one thing i did like about the place was that they actually prep and groom the track somewhat. i never been to switchback or plumbcreek but i would like to check them out, what are they like?


Feb 2, 2004
Showtime586, I drive by LSMX in Sturgis, KY, Echo Valley in Poole, KY and Backwoods MX in Tennyson, IN. All these tracks have major flaws in my opinion. LSMX I sometimes go to on Thursday nights to blow off a little work week steam. Motorhead Park and Planet Xtreme are the two best tracks in southern Indiana/Illinois/Kentucky area. Check out for information and links to these places.


Mar 28, 2004
LSMX is announcing some track changes. Depending on what you did not like, it may suit you better, or it might be worse. I think they went to lorettas and saw the track changes down there and brought the changes back to their track. It might not work out too well, but time will tell.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
MikeT said:
And exactly what track was this? Just curious.
LOL! MikeT's going, "Gomer's purty dumb, so I don't really see him doing that!"

It was the one just north of Monroe, GA. It used to be called "A Place to Ride", but it is something else, now. The MX track was technical enough, the SX track looked scarey. That was probably 3-4 years ago.

Funny thing is that now I'm all interested in the 80' doubles, but Wardy would still lap me even if he had to keep both of his wheels on the ground.

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