Fork Leakage


Nov 2, 1999
I took my KDX up to my shop a couple weeks ago, and my forks are leaking. There is oil on both tubes, and I can't figure out what the problem is. The suspension never leaked before (I recently rebuilt the forks and the seals seemed fine.) so I'm wondering if it could've been the transition from the cold garage to the warm shop. I let the air out of the top of the forks today, any other thoughts?

Do I need to replace my seals? Also, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a practical joke, assuming there is no other explanation. It just seemed wierd that they would be fine for a couple days, and then just start leaking without notice.


May 3, 2002
When you install new fork seals, also install new dust wipers. I went through a set of seals pretty quick cause of all the dirt that was getting past those wipers and causing leaks.

You may also want to try a different brand of seals.

Best $20 spent, get some of the seal savers for the inverted or convetional forks without the gaitors.

If that does not help, you may have more serious issues with the forks such a grooves in the inner tube, slider bushing issues, bent fork tubes, etc.


Nov 2, 1999
I haven't really ridden it much since I the forks were rebuilt. There was no leakage or anything until it was taken indoors, where I assume the oil and air heated up and forced the oil out of the seals.

The suspension didn't leak, and then, all the sudden both tubes are letting oil out and it has just been sitting on the floor, no use or anything.


Mar 30, 2002
when we bought my sons rm80 i was loading it in the truck and i pulled the straps down real tight. he said not to do that it might blow the fork seals .i had a hard time beleiving him but mabey thats what happened to you.


Oct 14, 1999
re: pulling the straps...blow the fork seals...hard time believing.

As well you should (have had a hard time believing)...cuz it's bogus.

re: let the air out

How much pressure was in there? From a gas that you put in there?? Or just your average buildup (usually from use, not sitting around).

If 'rebuilt' means changed the oil, that (the new oil) is enough to make the old seals leak.

Wipe 'em clean and see if you get a repeat.


Nov 2, 1999
I didn't put any gas in there, but the last time I let the air out it was about 25 degrees, so I guess the heat inside increased the pressure. Thanks for your suggestion.


Oct 14, 1999
The comment 'I let the air out of the top of the forks today..' is what made me think you'd put some in there in the first place. Some riders use air or another inert gas. Some fork fluids are worse than others when it comes to such pressure build-up. I've never bothered with installing 'popper' valves on my forks 'cuz I've not found my forks to pressurize with use or heat.

Hope it works out ok.


Jan 23, 2003
Whatever you do, I recommend that you get some fork bleeder valves that replace the air bleed screws on the top of the forks. This way you can walk by each day and bleed off any air build up due to temperature changes, etc. I have been amazed at the air build up from day to day just sitting in my garage. Also, if you are out for a long day of riding, you can easily bleed the air pressure several times in the day if you want to. I have these on two bikes and I haven't had any fork problems since. (+/- $ 18 per set)


May 3, 2002
I dont buy into pulling the straps down will make the seals leak.

If the seals are going to leak, they are going to leak. The only difference from riding and hauling is that the bike is compressed for a long period of time. So the air and if you have excessive amount of oil will have more pressure and time to force it's way out of a bad seal.

When I had a defective set of seals installed, they did not leak until like my 3rd ride and only after a large jump. once they opened, they leaked. So I cleaned them which sealed them until the next ride. Finally the 3 ride, they were leaking before I unloaded. Since then swapped brands and have not had any problems since. When I inspected those seals, the inside lip was ribbon like, not flat like it should have been. Got those warrantied out so they are a spare set.
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