Fork Seal Experience


Apr 12, 2002
I figured that I might post my experience with fork seal problems in case it proves helpful to anyone else. I recently have been blowing my fork seals rather frequently. It might be because I race Hare Scramble and MX with the KDX and the jumps at some of the MX tracks are probably a bit bigger than what the forks were likely designed for. Anyway, about a week ago I found that I had again blown my seals. Again, it was after an MX race with some big time jumps (at least I won it). I was astonished to find that none of the four Kawasaki dealers who were within driving distance had any seals in stock. And it was too late to express order any in time. So, I tried to figure out what other seals would fit my forks. It appeared as though many bikes share the most critical of the KDX's seals dimensions (43X53 mm). And the thickness of the seal was always confusing to me as the seals indicated that should be EITHER 9.5 or 10.5 mm thick, making me believe that this dimension is not super critical. I ended up buying fork seals for a Suzuki RM250 (mid 90s, I believe; part number 51153-14330). Even though they were wider (apparently 10.5 mm wide), they appeared to fit perfectly, looked like they would provide a better seal (they had a nice little extra lip in the upward direction), and were only half the cost. After they were put on, I entered the most grueling Hare Scramble around here (the Jack Frost Hare Scramble which is rocks on top of rocks that are on top of more rocks that are on top of riders' broken bones and parts of their destroyed bikes) on Sunday, and then ran the Unadilla MX course on Monday. I bashed the bejezus out of the bike on both days, crashing into rocks full speed on Sunday and leaping as far as I possibly could into and out of Gravity Cavity on Monday. These two days were by far the two hardest days of riding yet this year and there is no evidence of any leaks. I know that only one positive experience doesn't conclusively prove anything, but I'm inclined to think that the RM250 fork seals may be superior to the KDX fork seals (and also those made by Shindy that I've also used). So if you need fork seals in a hurry and can't get any that are intended for the KDX, my experience seems to indicate that you can use the seals from a bunch of other bikes, and that perhaps those from the RMs are actually superior. Unless they start leaking anytime soon, I know that the next ones I'll put on will again be those from the RM.


Aug 7, 1999
Interesting... Thanks very much for that bit of info mate! I've duly noted that down for next time I do seals...



Oct 4, 2001
I used to blow my fork seals way too frequently too. Most of my riding is 20 to 30 miles away from my house so I have to transport the bike. I found that if you remove the little screws atop the forks before compressing the forks for transpo, the seals will last much longer. Haven't blown any for a year or so now!! :) Of course, you need to remember to replace them before riding or washing the bike!! :D
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