frame paint


Jul 20, 2002
what is the best kind of paint to use on painting a frame w/o it chipping or pelling? and how should i prep the frame? :moon:


Mod Ban
Jul 18, 2002
the best kind of paint would be too powder coat the frame, wont chip, or scrath off!!, and as far as preping it just get it sand blasted, that will get off all the old crap and other stuff off the frame!!


Jul 20, 2002
what kind of paint can i use to do it my self? and i dont have acess to a sand blaster.


Jan 30, 2002
Krylon makes a "hard drying" specified spray paint which worked pretty well for me, It chiped, but not easily. As far as the prep goes, I would use a rough grit sand paper to get rid of all the paint and such. After your get it to bear metal sand agin w/ a finer grit. Then hit it with a metal prep. something like navel jelly. Prime, sand with the a fine grit. Prime again. Put a first coat of your color on. Sand with a very fine grit then put a finish coat on. Oh ya, after each sanding, lighly soak a rag with paint thinner and be sure to get all the waste off the frame before appling the next coat. This is no doubt time consuming, but you can get a the material from a home depot or somewhere. good luck. Let us know how it turns out. One last thing exuse my spelling, its HURTING!! :scream:
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Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
Not sure how much value you put on your time but I would factor this in when deciding to paint or powdercoat.

1. If you paint it you will have to do it again a LOT sooner.
2. If you paint it you will have to sand it. PITA plus hours and hours sanding.
3. The hours and hours of sanding.
4. Cost of materials. $25 easy for sandpaper and three or four cans of paint. Primer, Hours of sanding.

in the end I decided to take it to the powdercoater. For $90 they sandblasted the frame and powdercoated it. I'm a little biased here because its 110ºF and my garage isn't air condidtioned. I found a place across town that would do it for $75 but It wasn't worth $15 to me to drive across town twice.
Besides that for the price I got an incredible finish from a place that wins shows with their powdercoat.


Oct 30, 2001
Only $90 bucks to blast and powder coat, that's great. I wouldn't bother to do it myself at that price, and I do everything myself.

$15 bucks cheaper across town is ok with me, unless I was in Pheonix. Man, it takes forever to get across that town!
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