
Dec 31, 1969
They kicked back my filing, again. I went for the delay'd filing, they got it on time but, they dont like how I responded apparently to some of the questions... like;

"List all dependents?"

I replied -

"12 million illegal immigrants;
"3 million crack heads;
"2 million people in over 243 prisons;
"Half of Mexico ; and
"535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.”

Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Round and round we go.


Feb 21, 2007
Okiewan said:
They kicked back my filing, again. I went for the delay'd filing, they got it on time but, they dont like how I responded apparently to some of the questions... like;

"List all dependents?"

I replied -

"12 million illegal immigrants;
"3 million crack heads;
"2 million people in over 243 prisons;
"Half of Mexico ; and
"535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.”

Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.

Round and round we go.

Haha. You could have just written, "Please come put me through a strenuous audit." I'm sure your name will be on top of a short list after that one! :rotfl:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Nice :nod: :cool:

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
I'll try to make this as short as possible...

We own a small contracting business and get a letter about 2 years ago from the IRS... "You owe $1,600 from 2002." Huh? I make a phone call to my accountant and send him the letter, he's one sharp dude, use to be an IRS agent.

A month goes by and another letter from the IRS, "Intent to levy from our account... $820." Now what do I do?... after all, the amount is half of what the first notice said. I call my accountant and he says, "John, I've called, I've written letters. I can't make heads or tales of what they're talking about. So many new laws, always talk to someone different, do you want to call them?" Um, ok.

So I make the call knowing I sure don't want to p*ss off the IRS, I remind myself to be thoughtful, kind and respectful. Ring, ring... and I ask 'Why do I owe this money?' Her response, "It's what my computer says, $820." We talk for a few minutes with my main focus being 'Why? I paid my taxes back then, why do I still owe this?' Her only words, "It's what my computer says." Ok, please tell me the amount one more time, I'll send a check today. "It's too late, we're pulling it from your account tomorrow." Umm (patience, patience) ok, please give me that amount one more time so I can deduct it from the checking account. "$860"... what, the amount was $820 ten minutes ago, why did it just go up $40?

"It's what my computer says."

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
It's not just the IRS. The states can be just as bad.

To make a long story short, my wife and I bought a vehicle from her dad. Private party vehicle sales in this state are subject to sales tax of about 8%. So if I buy a used car from you for $10,000, I have to pay the state $800 for the privledge.

Well, family transfers are EXEMPT from the sales tax.

About a year after the sale, we get a letter from the Franchise Tax Board saying we owe the tax. Even though when we registered the vehicle, we signed under oath that my wife was related to the seller.

I won't go into the details, but seriously it took MONTHS to get them to let me off the hook! The system was so incredibly biased against us, the state would not accept her birth certificate, a wedding announcement, her baptism certificate and a copy of our marriage license. I needed to use 'free' legal aid provided by the state to get the tax board to back off.
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