Front Brake


Jan 5, 2005
Ok, normally I consider brake repair and easy task. But fellow riders im just stumped. Ok hears whats wrong.. First of all I let my girlfriends mother ride my 1999 kx125, and as i feared she crashed. Luckly she was not too badly injured, but my bike is another story. When she fell the bike got dumped on the left side and now there is no pressure in the brake lever. :bang: So naturly I take the bike home look it over and see no physical damage to the mastercylinder or caliper. I procede to bleed the brakes and it seems that there just isn't enough pressure in the break system to move the pistons much, If i pump for what seems like forever I can get one of the pistons to go all the way out, but the other one only seems to go about halfway. What should I do? I took the mastercylinder apart all the internals look good, the brake line shows no signs of leaks... Im stumped :bang:


Jan 5, 2005
Nope.. No leaks. I read something on one of the posts here that backfeeding the fluid works well, so today i'm goin to try that, I'll keep posted on how it workes.


Jan 5, 2005
I went back and bled the bakes but once again I couldnt seem to get any pressure. I could move the pistons on the caliper but couldn't seem to get much pressure, Think maybe it might actually be the plunger mechanism? Im so lost nothing seems to work.... :|


Jan 5, 2005
I pulled everything apart, the only thing of notice I found was on the plunger unit. On the kx plunger there are two what they call cups, they are really just rubber orings, of sort. They look similar to each other, execpt for one thing, on one there is a tiny hole, which at first i thought might be the source of my problem, but the hole lookes like it is suppose to be there, I see no notice of the hole on any diagrams or in the parts manual, so im not so sure...The master cylinder its-self shows no signs of damage, no scoring, signs of malfunction. :blah:


Aug 13, 2005
When bleeding your brakes, hold the caliper higher than the master cylinder. Due to the laws of phisics its easyer pushing a air bubble up than down. Just a suggestion incase there is any air.


Jan 18, 2005
Holding the caliper above the master cylinder always worked for me with stubborn front brakes. but do these two things first put something clean between the brake pads about the thickness of the rotor i used a couple quarters. and make sure the bleeder nipple is pointing straight up. I have since seen the light and bought a suction gun from the local auto parts store $30-50 well worth it. now it ridiculuosly easy!
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