Fuel Brand?


Dec 12, 2001
On of the local gas stations sells a race fuel out of the pump called Turbo Blue. It is mostly sold to stock car racers in the area. Has anyone used this in MX application and is this fuel comparble to VP. I do not know much about the fuel other than it is cheaper than VP. Is the money savings worth it?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Check this table for a basic comparison of the various fuels, then check the fuel company's site for more specific info.


Jason B

Jul 10, 2001
Fuel Brand


Race fuel is a interesting subject. There is alot more to it than just octane numbers. Most people don't realize it. While octane numbers are important, most tend to forget, or not even be aware of the distillation curve of the fuel they use. In my opinion, the better the curve, the better the fuel. the 10%, 90% and end point are very important. If your bike is jetted correctly for the fuel you are using, the lower the 10% number, the better throttle response. The closer the 90% number and end-point the more complete burn and less SPOOGE!

In my area I have access to: Torco, Cam2 which is the same thing as Sunoco. Turbo Blue, and VP. Torco, and Cam2 make several different applications. Both of these applictions 110 do not have good distillation curves, although each brand does make appropriate applications. VP c-12 is about the best non-oxygenated fuel for motorcross. Turbo Blue has a good distillation curve, but the front end temps. are a little higher than c-12, so you might not have quite as good throttle response. I have to drive 20 miles and pay $2.00 a gallon more than Turbo Blue, which I get from a close freind on the way to the track. Turbo Blue has worked well for me,and it has a few converts in my area. The jetting seems to be a little closer to pump gas jetting since it has a higher specific gravity-.740 You can get specific info. about Turboblue at Turboblue.com. Each brand has there own website which gives all the important info.
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