
Feb 26, 2004
G'day all. I wrestled a pair of Dunlop D604s onto the KDX rims last night. Took her out for a spin on the road this morning and this afternoon I'm still wearing a huge grin :laugh:

Unfortunately I'm still useless on the dirt but I'm slightly less useless on a street machine - so I guess a set of tyres like the D604s were what I needed to unlock the fun factor of my KDX. A much larger portion of the power is actually getting to the ground now and the extra grip on the front is handy too. I'm a novice so I can't vouch for these tyres' excellence nor can I compare them to something similar, but what I CAN tell you is that, around town, the KDX is a wicked ride. There's something about pedestrians watching your wheelies, kiddies in cars waving to you and motorists winding their windows up at the lights (jetting still being refined ;) ), all on a casual ride to get some milk and bread from the shops.

Do many of you out there in JustKDX land unleash your weapons on the road regularly? Any tips on tyres, setup, etc.? Any good/bad yarns (Australian lingo lesson: yarns = stories)?
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