Funky looking gearbox fluid after break in


Feb 29, 2000
Thanks everyone for all the great responses. I have one ride on the re-assembled motor and everything seems to be fine. Leaving off from my last post in this thread, I re-checked the venting of the gearbox before the cases were split. This time it vented just fine. So we elected to split the cases again. We found that the right side seal was leaking again, but everything else was still OK. So we replaced the seals with OEM pieces, checked the crank run-out, and re-assembled. I filled the gearbox up with 2-stroke specific gearbox oil (Motorex); not ATF type F, and ran the bike. After this one ride, the fluid remains nice and clean, as it looked when it went in. Previously this amount of riding would have fouled the oil badly so I'm cautiously optimistic that it's fixed. So what was the problem? Why didn't the other seal replacements work? Honestly, I'm not sure but I have some ideas. The seals that came out appear to be non-OEM pieces; I think. I'm sure they're very good seals; but could they be incompatible with the ATF? Furthermore, a problem was found with the clutch cover gasket that could inhibit proper venting of the gearbox. This was also resolved and would maybe explain why it didn't appear to be venting at first then did O.K. later. So that's the update. I just need to ride now. This is prime riding season in Houston and I'm taking the day off to go ride. :aj: :thumb:
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