After many years of trail riding and some racing, I have experienced some funny crashes and boo boo's. What are some of your funniest stories?
One of the funniest I can think of is when a large group of us were scouting our options to cross a wide and deep creek. We are able to skip the water if it is not too wide, but this crossing was probably 80 feet and the last part was the deepest (approx. 5 feet). While discussing our problem we heard the faint sound of a two stroke at full revs going thru the gears. Turning around to see what was going on we saw it was one of the daredevils in the crowd trying to get his KDX 200 up to speed to cross the long gap. Well as many of you know this bike is lacking top speed in power robbing sand so set's say the bike was not going fast enough. He was probably going 50 when 65 or 70 was needed. The bike did a front endo when it got to the deep part at about 20 miles an hour. We laughed for a long time before we dried the bike out for him! There are many more but I would rather here your stories.
Mr. Clean
One of the funniest I can think of is when a large group of us were scouting our options to cross a wide and deep creek. We are able to skip the water if it is not too wide, but this crossing was probably 80 feet and the last part was the deepest (approx. 5 feet). While discussing our problem we heard the faint sound of a two stroke at full revs going thru the gears. Turning around to see what was going on we saw it was one of the daredevils in the crowd trying to get his KDX 200 up to speed to cross the long gap. Well as many of you know this bike is lacking top speed in power robbing sand so set's say the bike was not going fast enough. He was probably going 50 when 65 or 70 was needed. The bike did a front endo when it got to the deep part at about 20 miles an hour. We laughed for a long time before we dried the bike out for him! There are many more but I would rather here your stories.
Mr. Clean