Funny wheels on my KDX


May 30, 2005
So I'm having a good run of late ... few months ago I managed to grenade the gearbox in my DRZ tard which was good fun and the bike is now in a gazillion pieces to replace the offending + opposing gears and will eventually get turned back into a dirt bike. In the meantime I bought myself a husky SM610 as a replacement road tard and promptly had a car turn in front of me resulting in a rather sad looking bike and me flying through the air with the greatest *cough* of ease.... :bang:

So now i'm bikeless on the road again and drving around in the car ... but the KDX has been sitting in the shed not doing much as I haven't had much time or opportunity to get out and fall over in the dirt of late. So I figured what the hey, maybe the tard wheels from my DRZ would fit on the KDX and I could have a little fun at the local kart track in the meantime...

And what do you know but they fit ... after a fashion ;) The rear went in scary-easily. With the same spacers its just a smidge too tight, but only to the extent that it needs a bit of a tap with the mallet to move the wheel up and down its length of adjustment.

The front was a bit more work, but I found that some axel spacers turned the wrong way around made good carriers for the bearings, effectively mating the 20mm DRZ axel diameter to the 15mm KDX axel, and I made up some custom spacers from an old KR1 crush tube and some 20 cent 5/8" washers. The DRZ offset caliper bolted straight up and I just spaced the wheel to give decent alignment with the disc + caliper...

Off to the kart track on saturday to see how she goes :)


Sep 19, 2006
Supermoto, w00t!

What headlight is that you have on there? I might be needing a new one soon and thats slick looking.
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May 30, 2005
Just your standard 35w polysport jobbie on the headlight.

Well the day at the track went well, though the bike needs a few mods ;) I knew the clutch was a bit weak but the tarmac track really brought it out and killed it! Fortunately the plates are all good (lower end of the limit for new parts and well above the replacement limit for the friction plates) but the springs are about 1mm undersized, so they're getting replaced.

The suspension was all out to sea though. I've only ridden the little-bike-that-can in some fairly slow offroad and didn't really find the limits of the standard soft springs (did I mention I ride like a granny in the dirt yet still manage to fall off a lot?) but at the track it was a different matter :) So the shock is now out and getting a re-oil and re-gas and I have the forks out and some springs coming in next week. Then back out to the little track for a bit more fun!

I've got some helmet cam footage - be warned that its just me wobbling around the shop and going pretty dang slowly, but at least it proves the cam worked ok! Hopefully better next time around ;) The names are the blokes from who were all there for the day. They're each around 40-60mb...
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