Feb 25, 2001
I have a Bill's pipe works type (bare metal ) and I love the pipe its just its about 6 months old and I have cared for it preety well after each time washing the bike down I would spray the pipe down with wd-40. The problem is yeah that stopped the rust from comming into play but it still after a while the pipe turned a dark brown color. What did this and is there a way to get it back to the NEW bare metal color ? I tried that brillo pad and it worked slightly .


May 17, 2001
The header on my XR400 was looking like you describe, and I took some Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish to it, and it worked GREAT! Got rid of that brown color easily, and with a little elbow grease, it came to an almost mirror-like shine.:cool:



Jun 4, 2000
The cheapest way that works almost too good is, go to a pool supply store and ask for muriatic acid. Comes in a box with two gallon jugs for five dollars!
Take a rag and wipe some of the acid on the pipe. You will see it come right off with the first wipe. The trick is to use clean rags because they become loaded up with the rust. After the pipe is done you have to make sure that you wash the pipe with 409 or simple green, something. You have to wash the acid off completely or it will rust immedietly. Then you have to drench the pipe really good with WD-40. I have found nothing works as good as WD. The only thing is that once you do this you have to do it often because once the pipe gets hot it will start to rust again. Hope it works for you :D
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