Getting Loaded / Horror story


Sep 8, 2006

I'm sure that I am the only person who didn't know this, but just in case there is another out there without this knoweldge here goes.

After loading your bike while tieing down tilt your bike to the side, then pull down on your tie downs. I always tried to pull straight down and muscle it....unsucessfully I might add. Trying to decompress the shocks with the tie downs is very difficult and unnecessary. One hand to tilt the bike to the side while pulling the tie down will decompress the shock and get your bike on there nice and tight. Oh and 1 more lesson learned in yesterdays unfortunate incident is to notice what you are attaching the hook of the tie down to. There was a metal ring attached to the hole in the trailer that you hook the tie down to. That ring was not pulled up, I attached the tie down while the ring was in a downward position and once the bike pulls on it, it flips up thus creating slack it for yourself. It was horrible.

This is my husbands version of what happened, he is soliciting the owner of the website that he visits (there is a garage feature and you are allowed to rate the bikes and mine is one of the top rated) to Take off points because the bike does not look the same as in the picture (hey, it can be fixed!)

He says....Hey Ken...Can we take off some of progirlz points?
She needs to be punished.

First, she goes riding this afternoon with a girlfriend of hers. They both did fine and rode great and had a good time.
They loaded up the bikes and headed home. Halfway up the road Progirlz's bike comes off the trailer and gets dragged behind until they noticed. Scraped up the front fender and ground down one of the Cycra handguards.

Second, she goes riding with me tonight. I whooped her on the way up and so she decides to pay me back on the way down. She passes me, and I'm thinking to myself, "It's getting kinda dark to be riding that fast but oh well she knows what shes doing."

As I come around the corner I see a cloud of dust and poor Progirlz stumbling around the poor mistreated bike lying in a pool of it's own gasoline.

I quickly jumped off my bike and ran to the aid of that poor bike. I think it'll be OK but it sure isn't as pretty as it once was...


I'm here
Sep 19, 2006
ohhh man! that is a horrible ordeal! are you ok!? any major damage to the bike? was your ride a good one aside from the obvious? well if it makes you feel any better, i got a godamned virus from somewhere on my computer! it's my work one, which is my ONLY one. i'm pissed. i hope all is well with you and your bike pro! :yikes:


Sep 8, 2006
Thanks. It was a rough day but me and my bike are ok. That is one tough bike....after each ordeal it started right back up 1st try!

Sorry to hear about your virus. Do you need help with it? If so just ask your questions here and I'll get you answers. Good luck.


Mar 27, 2004
OMG...So sorry to hear about your misfortune Progirlz! The main thing is that no one is hurt... Someday, you will laugh about this and it will be a funny story to tell.



May 25, 2002
Bummer. I'm sure you will be sore in the morning. But other than these two incidents, you had a great time, right?


Sep 8, 2006
Had a great time and learned a valueable lesson without paying too high a price. Jolted me back to reality. I will not let that speed go to my head, I will not let that speed go to my head, I will not let that speed go to my head. If I keep telling myself that maybe I won't keep letting that speed go to my head. Have a great weekend, going to Palm Springs for a few days, rest and relaxation.


I'm here
Sep 19, 2006
have fun! sounds like you deserve it! as far as the virus, it's has been taken care of. It took 2 days, but I got it. With help of course. Thanks progirlz for the help offer, once i get one at home (if i ever do) i'll hit you up for help. don't worry, you get used to that speed soon and be ready for more! have a graet weekend everyone! :)
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