getting ready for the season!


Mod Ban
Nov 1, 2007
what do i need to do to get it ready for race season?its a 2003 cr85r expert what should my wakening routine be?please answer sonn i cant get on again for a while. :whoa:
Apr 30, 2007
Well...try giving us some more information.

What classes will you be racing? What kind of tracks will you be on? Have you got your suspension set up right? Do you know where to go and when to go there? Have you ridden on a track before?

At this point I can only say "maintain your bike" and "have fun!"


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
cr85re said:
what should my wakening routine be?please answer sonn i cant get on again for a while. :whoa:
Well I usually wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off, then I stretch and fall back into bed for a few minutes. Once I am really awake I get up and hit the bathroom...

Maybe if you tried typing so people knew what you are asking that would help
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