I have almost completely stripped a PW80 in preparation for having everything powdercoated again.
I cannot seem to get the swingarm bolt out? The nut is off and it seems that no matter how much pressure I put on that bolt, it won't move......
I don't have a manual so any help would be appreciated.
According to the Clymer book:
If the pivot shaft is stuck or frozen in place, you may have to knock it out with an appropriate size rod. When doing so, use an aluminum or brass rod and take care not to damage the bushings.
Not having a brass or aluminum rod, I would just get a big phillips screwdriver and my bfh and drive it home.
Use some "Violence" on it as they say....LOL
I decided to leave it alone and went with regular painting of the frame and swingarm as opposed to powdercoat. Cheaper route anyway...
As a mechanic I often get this job and this is how I do it, I have a 4x rivet gun but a standard air hammer will work with a flush set (perferably a brass or aluminum flush set.) On the other side of the bike have some one hold a dolly or bucking bar on the frame next to the swingarm bolt. If you are useing the steel flush set put the nut on the bolt so that it is even with the last thread so to not damage the thread, Be patiant and let the vibration do the job you are looking to use vibration not wild power