Glasses and !!**%$#Goggles


Sep 28, 2001
I need help!! Well more help, but so ideas.
Ijust got glasses and went for a ride, The sun was setting and I was usung the visor to block the glare. Well I look over my glasses and can't see! Plus the goggles push the glasses into my face. I hate the whole idea.
I've seen goggles with lenses inside. I'm brutal on goggles, plus I'm always loosing them!
How do the lense one last?? What's the cost??? Is there a protective lense onver the actual lense??
How about those sport ,"goggles" that look like your a alien.
I could ride with out them, but I'd have a hard time fixing the scoot if anything happens on the trail.
2001 KDX 200
2-Yami TTR 125 Boy "A"'s and "B"'s

It'd be easier if the trees didn't always try to grab me!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
A lot of old-timers just use glasses. They are usually a "cheap" spare pair. Before corrective surgery a lot of the enduro stars, Burleson and Hyde come to mind, wore glasses without goggles.

Personally I find glasses or glasses with OTG goggles a pain in the arse. I'll be wearing contacts until the corporate insurance plan decides to reimburse for corrective surgery.


Sep 25, 2001

I wear the above in my goggles. They fit very tight inside the goggles. I do not notice them when riding. They go in & out very easy for cleaning. I use Scott 89x goggles. Click the link for details.

Bill Hibbs

Aug 25, 1999
I spent the last two years struggling with glasses and goggles. I finally got contacts and they're GREAT! I'm so happy now. If you have to wear glasses the best thing I found was Smith Turbo Goggles, they have a Fan in them and stick out from your face so they don't hit your glasses. This combined with a Smith No-Fog cloth which I treated the glasses and the lens'. Under some conditions there was just no way I could wear the goggles without fogging and I had to just wear the glasses. That's my experience anyway.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Contacts are the way to go if corrective eye surgery is out of the question because of price. I wore glasses for years, and then tried contacts about 4 years ago. I'll never go back to wearing glasses while I ride. For me I found that Scotts Over The Glasses (OTG) worked will as long as your frames were not to large.

If you go with corrective lens inserts in your goggles, make sure the company you order then from takes a measurement called vertex distances. This is the distance from the front of the eye to the back of the lens. It can have a profound effect on the power of the lenses being strong/weak enough since most lens inserts set farther away then glasses from the front of the eyes.

Hope this helps,

Last edited:


Sep 13, 1999
I use OTG Goggles. I have fairly small frames that fit inside the goggles pretty well. My biggest problem is fogging. Quick straps were the best thing I bought so far. I can take the goggles off instantly when riding. I don't think I would like the prescription goggles, since I can only see about 3' in front of me without glasses. I would look like a goon walking around the pits with my goggles on just so I can see.



die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
I use scott 87's with thermal lenses and ripped the foam out of the sides to incease air flow for cold wet weather


Sep 28, 2001
All Kinds of great info,(as usual!!)

One of the great problems I had was whenI put my head down to block the sun or maybe in a race to block mud say, at a start, I look over the top of my lenses. It's that brief moment before your eyes can adjust that's worries me. I'm going to go to where I got the **##$$&&^ glasses and see if they make sometype of inserts, if not I'll get the ones from the web site above. I think that's the way to go. I have Bi focals so I can read,(man it's tough to get old!!) in my glasses.
I tell you something, I always had 20-20 vison till I had a huge get off last summer, separated shoulder and was out cold for a while, cracked my helmet! They found a concusion, wasn't long before I'm 4 eyed!!
The gogles I was using had no foam in them, to keep the fog down.
I'm weird, I could never stick a contact in my eye!! I cringe at the tough!!
I look at the OTG gogles too.
Thanks for the info, as always you guys solve my problems!!!
Joe :)

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Dude, no one thinks they can stick their finger in their eye. Heck it used to take me ages just to drop eye drops in. I got a irritation & I had to wipe some cream on my eyelid. No way! But I had to. Eventually it was easy, so then I said ok lets try these contact things.

The optician put them in. They felt like 2 cold dinner plates. I had to wear them for an hour to see if I was all right with them. I went & meet my girlfriend for lunch & was astounded at what I’d been missing out on as my eyesight had got worse but not enough to wear my glasses around in public.

After lunch I had to go somewhere. Where? Oh that’s right -back to the optician. Oh yeah I’d forgotten I was wearing them.

What I am saying is Stop being a woose & just get some. Today contacts are much thinner than the ones I tried & are just like touching some foodwrap onto your eye.

They’re not as perfect as not having to do nothing but less hassle than glasses & my corrected vision is better than 20/20 (which just means average for people not requiring correction).

You won’t regret it.


Sep 28, 2001
Contacts in my eye??? Nope

I know I been harrassed by everyone who wears them to get them.
I think my Fear?? Wooseism,(is that a word?) all started years ago. I was a mechanic and had a drop light bulb pop and a peice of galss went into my eye. Lucky enough the service manager was a EMT and rushed me to the hospital.I can still remember the pain and the NEED to rub that glass shard in my eye.
I have an appointment to at least look into them. I figure if I can race with terrible knees, a bad wrist, a huge lump on my shoulder, what the heck plastic in my eye should be a breeze!!
Joe :)


Sep 25, 2001
This is replay to personnel emai sent to me - it bounced back and I delected your contact so I put it here.

When I bought the inserts I called the two companies and selected the TEAM-MO based on this alone. I have not tried the PRO-VUE. The TEAM-MO inserts are made and tested by a doctor who rides. They fit perfect in the Scott 89x goggles and are suppose to fit in others, also. They are big so I do not notice them while riding. I do not use any type of fog solution on the inserts or the goggle lenses and neither fog at all when riding (I have only had them since November and rode between 40-75 degrees). The inserts do fog on the side close to your face when you stop though. So if I'm waiting for someone to catch up, I take them off. I have compared the sharpness of the inserts with my glasses and they seem the same. It is so nice to just put on the goggles and see great with no glasses.


Sep 28, 2001
Thanks I have to check at vender out. It nice to hear testing other than what the makers write.
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