GNCC in St. Clairsville, OH 10/6-7


Nov 10, 2000
Well, it's round 12 (I think) of the AMA Grand National Cross Country series.

Quads race on Saturday and Bikes on Sunday. Pros start at noon. You can watch, or record, the series every Wednesday at 11:00am on Fox Sports.

All the info you need can be found right here.


Feb 11, 2000
im going both days. do the amatuers start earlier? i want to check out the bikes before they get all dirty. i know a couple guys running on quads and 1 on a ktm. hope they do good on the home turf:D


Apr 9, 2001
Not sure what time the amatures start. I think it may be at 10am. I went back out there this morning and Shane Watts and Mike Lafferty were already there. Some of the quad guys were starting to pull in too. I'm going back out around noon or so to set up camp. Look for a Black Expedition and a pop up camper. I'll have a few cold ones waiting for any DRN'er.


Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
Ready to race

I will be going on Sunday. I will be racing in the Veteran class on a KDX 200. For anyone who has never gone and watched/raced, it is really exciting. I guarantee you will have a blast. The races to watch are the pros. I can't believe how fast and good these guys really are. I would be interested in meeting up with some of my fellow DRN'ers. I will be driving a Desert Dune 4-runner limited and towing a 00 KDX 200 on a single rail trailer. I don't have any Dirtrider stickers on my bike, but I have a Stoked sticker on my number plate. I'll keep my eyes peeled for fellow DRN'ers.
I hope to see you won't regret it. :cool:

00' KDX 200
Procircuit pipe & silencer
95' XR 250R (first bike)


Nov 10, 2000
KDX1 - I saw your bike as I was driving in Sunday morning. (KDX w/ stoked sticker on the front plate) I couldn't find you during the race though. How did you do?

daveEX - Who do you know that was riding a KTM? I know a guy by the name of Dino from here locally that was racing a KTM also. I have no idea what class he was in or how he finished. He grabbed the holeshot in his class though. I couldn't seem to find where he was parked. There were a ton of people there. This was the first GNCC event I have attended and I was surprised what a big event it was. I can't wait until next year...


Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
I did alright

I did alright, but I had problems on a steep slippery hill. Yesterday was sort of frustrating because I found that particular race course to be very challenging. It had lots of tight woods sections and a few hills that were slippery. I broke tractiona few times and had to wrestle with the bike. On my fist lap, I crossed a ditch and went straight up a hill and lost momentum. I went back down and went up an easier way and then still had problems. A spectator saw that I was struggling w/fatigue and he rode my bike up the hill.
After the first lap, I was a little better on the second, but that is all I was able to complete. I had fun, but I left right after I finished.
I was discouraged and started thinking that maybe hare scrambles may be more my style as the GNCC races are much longer and more demanding.
I also thought about not racing anymore and just riding for fun. Right now I don't know. My racing season is over and I will work harder to quicken my lap times and train harder too. Maybe I need to go to a few riding clinics/classes.
I'm sorry I didn't get to meet up with you. I was hoping to meet a few people and talk about bikes and riding. I hope that you had a great time and that I get to meet up with you soon and any other DRN'ers for that matter.


00' KDX 200
Procircuit pipe & silencer
95' XR 250R (first bike)


Apr 9, 2001

Dave, does your last name have any thing to do with what someone might do with boxes? One on top of the other.

Is the guy you know on a KTM the same guy I know on a KTM...Bubby

KDX1...Do you remember the small creek crossing right before you hit the grass track. I saw you go through there a couple of times.


Feb 11, 2000
no, im not him. i do know him last name would be a swirl of water:think . (bubbie),is ronnie groves and he finished 3rd on a ktm 400 but i dont know his class. chad wallace and benji sall on quads both finished third in their classes too. i looked around for the expedition w/pop up but i didnt see it. im dying to get out there and ride the course, i walked half of it and it looked great. kdx 1, think i saw you after the race heading back to camp but i lost you in traffic.


Apr 9, 2001
Bubbie acctually got 2nd in 4-stroke C and he gave me his rear tire, only good for one race you know. I left the Expedition @ home and rode out with my brother in law (Jake Smith) in the $500.00 Corsica. We were set up next to the Xtreme Suzuki guys, I know a few of them. We are riding the course next weekend. Hopefully on Sunday(if thats ok with JimmyD2). There will be about 5 of us going if you want to join us....I know Wallace and Benji too, I think Benji got 4th out of 26 riders, it was his first race.


Nov 10, 2000
I should be able to go Sunday... What time?

erac, Dino placed 2nd in Vet C and is 3rd overall in the series - winning in SC and TN. Cool.


Feb 20, 2001
:cool: I'll check with the guys I ride with and see what they want to do. We're getting a little tired of wayne and perry. Always looking for some place new.


Apr 9, 2001
We unload in Fairpoint at my inlaws house. It's only about a 2 mile ride to where the race was last weekend. We can go whatever time you guy's want. I'm off and my wife said as long as I work around the house on Saturday I can do whatever I want on Sunday.

JimmyD2, if you have Dinge's e-mail address drop him a line and let him know what's up. Since he is the only one that can get us there through the woods. If not we'll have to ride the road for a mile or so.:(
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