CR80R, use iEscrow or ebay's escrow services, make your payment to them, the seller will then ship you the guitar, if it never arrives you get your money back, if it does get to you and it is not up to scratch, return the item registered and insured mail. This way you do not lose your money. If the guitar is what you expect, instruct the escrow service to make payment. The most you can lose is the cost of returning the item.
5 good and 1 bad is not a good ratio to work with, I had a new seller sell me a n64 system with a number of games, used escrow and everything worked out well, and the seller went on to build a good record.
Rather be cautious and make the seller work for their money, if they are serious and honest, they will do what you ask to make a good deal happen. If the seller is full of crap, or wants to jerk you around, and will not use an escrow service, then cancel the deal and walk away. Better safe than sorry. !