good check up :)

Apr 22, 2000
I just got back from the doctor....
I didnt do as much damage as we thought.:)
I dont need surgery.
I can get back on the bike in a week. :cool:

Remember ALWAYS were your knee pads!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Congratulations! That must be such a relief. I may have to have my knee operated on one of these days.

What kind of kneepads do you use now? I just got a set of HRP ones and I really like them.
Apr 22, 2000
we have fox knee and shin guards.
I'll let you know what I think of them. if they save me a trip to the emergency room I'll be greatfull ... LOL


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I had the fox ones too, and they were pretty nice--but I left them in helmetcam's box van and keep forgetting to get them back, so Steve gave me his HRP ones. They are much nicer. The Fox ones are good though.
Apr 22, 2000
my son shares alot of my riding gear. (he's 11) and he likes them alot. the only stuff he cant ware of mine is my pants, boots and helment. :) I have to draw the line some where. besides he has is own... LOL


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
That's great news, Christina! Save your knees and your wallet!

I was just out playriding last week, and tipped over and rapped my knee on something. I actually got bruised right through my knee pads, and it was very tender for several days. I'd hate to think what it would have felt like without the pads!


Jun 5, 2001
I have been riding for knee pads. As much as I hate rollerblading, and hearing my friends ridicule me.....they honestly have been the best knee pads ever. I would like to wear the full on "skate" pads, but they are just too bulky to fit under the pants. The blade pads are made to be quite mobile, HIGHLY protective, and still fit under my pants. I ride off of the 56 freeway down here in SD a lot... it's VERY rocky in places and I have hit some GNARLY rocks directly and haven't injured my knees.... well except for twisting, straining, etc
In my opinion they are much better pads than any product made by the motorcycle companies. ty a pair on.....


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Christina, glad you're okay. How did the riding go? Did you manage to go or not? (or am I being impatient for ride reports per normal?)

The Asterix braces seem to be popular (never tried them) and I think they're still paying for shipping. They were also selling them separately as well as pairs. (see the thread in the general forum for details & reviews - it's at the top). But it depends on whether you want pads or braces.

I just wear Axo knee pads, which generally are okay, but as with everyone, of course I get hit just above/below/beside them too hehehe

The one thing that bugs me about them is the velcro, invariably it sticks to the lining of my pants & then digs into my shin. So any ideas on that, please fire them at me.


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Velcro digging into your skin eh? Well I've never had this but I wear long socks to prevent chafing on the back of my leg from the elastic straps. If I can't find my long socks (which I lost them there for a little while), I just wear some mid length ones, and cut the top off another pair and pull that up over. I get chafed (sp?) really badly when riding if there's nothing between my skin and the straps. I hope this helps some.
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