first of let me say I hate putting away my gear after camping!
that said I had a really great rained saturday so the morning run was fantastic.
to all who missed it,you'll have to attend the next one.
friday night we had tri tips,smoked salmon and corn on the cob,saturday there was salmon alfredo,fresh clams and oysters.hey these people do it right.THANK YOU
T-Rat is considering checking into a reservation for September. Any takers?
I felt kinda bad about the poor directions I gave some of the guys on some loops. I really didn't mean to send them on a trip into a slash pile or dead end in a gravel pit. The trails change faster than the maps so I just use the map to get lost.
I have to admit Tory and I couldn't do it in september with school and all.Money will be tight after buying school clothes and supplies.We could do a group ride though.