Goodbye to KDX

Mike McGlade

Jan 13, 2000
This may be a bit premature but the underlying message is important and very timely. I assume that everyone knows that we will have to bid farewell to our favorite ride, the KDX, by 2007 due to EPA regulations but the most important point I can make is to ask everyone get involved to prevent loss of our sport in general. There is a very informative article in the Feb. issue of Dirt Bike and I urge all to read it and take their advice. If we allow the green groups to go on un-checked and un-opposed in Washington (where they are fully empowered to dictate off-road policies) we will be fighting an uphill battle that we may ultimately lose. The Sierra club, World Wildlife Federation, Nature Conservance, etc... are much more powerful than most of us can imagine but there is hope for recreationists if we can organize and make our voices heard. I urge everyone to visit the Blue Ribbon Coalition web site for more information as well as to join and further our cause. Remember, as we lose ground in one state, the green groups will attempt to steal land from us elsewhere!
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