Gov'ment regs and your riding rights


Oct 14, 1999
Didn't there used to be a 'Land use' forum on DRN? I don't see it. This should go there....anyway.....

Senate Bill 990 known as CARA or the Conservation and Reinvestment Act sounds like a terrific thing! They want to take royalties from off shore gas/oil production to...
... meet the outdoor conservation and recreation needs of the American people, and for other purposes.

Note the 'other purposes' part??

One of those would be to expand the Endangered Species Act to include AT RISK species in addition to 'threatened' and 'endangered' species.

You wanna see riding areas disappear from the face of the earth?

Remember the spotted owl hoo-rah from the environmentalist whackos? Those poor owls could survive ONLY in old growth forest, right? Of course, after wood production was brought to a complete halt from that and other lawsuits, spotted owls were found nesting in K-Mart signs? And I've seen a nesting pair myself IN MY FRONT YARD..which doesn't have any old growth timber around for miles! Only land that has been logged and re-logged and then logged again over the past couple centuries.

And then you hear that the prairie dog ...the PRAIRIE DOG for crin' out an 'at risk' species.

Here's a news bulletin for 'ya! You won't be riding in ANY conservationally 'sensitive' area!! Just this summer we had way over 500,000 acres go UP IN SMOKE..largely due to the whackos not wanting fire equipment to hurt the poor little tiger lilly!!

Well, CARA having passed the house (when noone was even there!) it was before the lame duck senate. All it had to do was pass by a couple of votes at 2:00 in the a.m. and it would be on its way to being LAW!!

It didn't make it. There was a concerted effort by groups like Landrights to have citizens call their senators to put a hold on this stop it from becoming law.

I realize I'm preaching some here...but if riders don't pay attention, there will be NO more places to ride...SOON!!

In a local riding area a water study was just completed. Where we ride was found to have the cleanest water of the entire study area. This has been a riding area for DECADES!!. Great?? Think so???

The whacko response was to attempt to restrict the area because they wanted to ensure that it STAYED clean.

huh? That makes

Be informed, or be deprived. Pay attention or you'll be a-snoozin' while yur loozin'!!

You wanna ride a bike like THIS!!?? Maybe in your DRIVEWAY??
(Actually, I think it's kinda cute! ..reportedly from damon pendarvis)

I've got TWO 'weenies'.

...and they're BOTH in cells!! Everybody should wear a pair!!


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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Wow, first I have heard about it.  Thanks!

I like the pink and green .... My little pony?  What about Ken?  Well, Barbie does live in CA!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Listen up people get ready to blast off some letters to the representatives that you elected (or maybe voted against) to represent YOUR interests in D.C. Help these people see through the B.S. the Green Advocacy Groups (GAGs) try and bombard the general public with every day!

You can make all the excuses you want for not acting it now, but you'll be sorry when there are no more legal places to ride.



Oct 14, 1999
This one is already over. The hold on the bill had to be done just for the few days the senate was in session this week. They've gone home, now. The bill is a goner for this (past) session.

As tod sez, it will most definitely be back.

'The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.' (Edmund Burke)

..and then you wake up one day and say, 'Huh!!?? How did THIS happen???'

.....exactly as woods said.


Aug 13, 1999

It's great to see so much enthusiasim for protecting our rights canyncarvr!!!

One thing though, I would like to correct a couple items:

Senate Bill 990 is actually called "American Wildlife Enhancement Act of 2002" which is a separate Bill from CARA. S990 was intended to

1) greatly expand the Endangered Species Act,

2) convert more lands from private property to government ownership, and

3) line pockets with more, more and more grant money from taxpayers.

But, it was not brought up for vote in the Senate before they concluded the 2002 session so it is dead for now. That does NOT mean it won't come back next year though.

CARA, CONSERVATION AND REINVESTMENT ACT is actually House Resolution Bill 701/Senate Bill 25 (HR701/S25) and it is still alive.

The biggest problem with CARA (and there are several problems) is that it provides annual budgets of $3 billion in pork and $900 million for LAND ACQUISITIONS. What that means is more money funneled to buy more land when the feds already admit that they can not maintaing what they already have. It also means more land that the enviro's will work to keep us out of.

To quote the American Land Rights Assoc:

Why doesn't CARA propose to spend funds on maintenance instead of new land purchases? Because the environmentalists want more land and more power in the hands of government, and the hell with recreational access for families and private property rights, that's why.

So, what to do now?


Some great information on the fight against CARA is here -----> ALRA

Sign up for the newsletters, click on the action items.


Jan 27, 2000
Originally posted by canyncarvr
Didn't there used to be a 'Land use' forum on DRN?


Yes there did used to be a Land Use forum. But, it quickly became one of the least used forums on DRN. Several of us tried to keep it going, but very few people responded to the posts.

When I came to this site almost three years ago, I posted a lot in the Land Use forum. I have been in the industry for many years and have seen so many riding areas closed down you would'nt believe it. After a while, I saw that not too many people gave a rat's patutty about land issues.

It seemed that as long as they had their own little sand lot or local track to play at, the problem of land closures was someone elses problem.

It is funny now that many of those same people have seen their own little play area closed down or in danger of being closed down and now they wonder, WHY?

Our President, like him or not, has given us the chance to give our opinions in regard to land closures. He has reversed some of the blanket closures of the Clinton Admin. The enviro nazzi's are on the run. Many people have seen the destruction of our forests due to the fires and the inability of the forest service to properly maintain the forests, thanks to the enviro nazzi's unwarrented litigation.

Now is the time to strike. They are asking for our input. If we don't take the time to give it to them, well, shame on us. :(

Remember, Democracy is a contact sport. Use it or lose it.


Oct 14, 1999
I understand the CARA origins, that the Senate Bill #990 is NOT named that..

I got all that. I know there is an 'old CARA' and a 'new CARA'.

My relating the two (house/senate) was for the sake of simplicity and..believe it or not, brevity (something I'm not real good at).

Sorry for the resulting questioning on anyone's part.

Although the whole thing stinks on a number of different fronts, it's the modification to the ESA that I was pointing out.

The land grab part of it all is just a bonus!!!

Aren't we lucky!!?? Crap legislation WITH A BONUS!! to boot!!!

Thanks for the clarification, though!
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