I don't think you will find that many people out there that can lean a dirtbike far enough over in a turn (and having to shift in the process) that keep both feet on the pegs. :cool: I always assumed the road racers switched to this pattern, because they were at full tilt (to the left), and shifting coming out of a turn. Thus, not allowing their foot to get under the shifter. But if you know of a dirt rider that can do this. You need to call me. Because I would pay a $1 to see it;)
I wouldn't think you would need to replace your pattern on the DRZ. Unless you plan on racing one right after the other. I would bet, that as soon as you got ample amount of seat time (after many, many hours of practice with the upside down pattern) on either bike before the race. It would come natural. But if you wanted something different. Then go for it:aj: