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Jul 11, 2001
Nothing is going to make me feel bad today. America has redeemed itself. Look at what Pres. Bush had to overcome: "Fahrenheit 9-11," the overblown Abu Ghraib scandal, the "missing" explosives, Dan Rather's forged documents, books by Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neill, Bob Woodward, and others, George Soros's millions, more than $60 million in 527 spending,'s accusations that Bush is Hitler, a constant drumbeat of "liar, liar, liar" from top Democrats, and all this echoed and supported by the mainstream media, which put on a full-court press in these last months to drive him from office, an effort that continued through election night, as the MSM emphasized what we now know to be highly flawed exit polls to practically declare Kerry the winner beginning at 6 p.m. last night. It's practically a miracle that Bush could overcome this. Thank the essential values of the American people, who decided that we are not going to let Michael Moore and Chery l Crowe decide what kind of country this will be, who stood up for traditional moral values at home and a strong war on terrorism abroad. It's a great day.


Dec 31, 1969
Ol JMD should become a subscriber so he can post in the Hardball Politics forum.

Good post BTW.


Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
I'm really happy that Soros is $20 million poorer! There is a saying that "a fool and his money are easily separated"

Yes, it is a great day and it will be an even greater 4 more years.

Ruff Rider

Sep 14, 2004
I denfinatly belive that Bush won based upon the differences betweens the two canidate's morals. I belive that if they were the same Kerry would have won and got 65% or more of the popular vote etc


Naïve Texan
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2000
Ruff Rider said:
I denfinatly belive that Bush won based upon the differences betweens the two canidate's morals. I belive that if they were the same Kerry would have won and got 65% or more of the popular vote etc

Well, if that is what you think... :think:
The election was not based on just the one topic of morality though. Bush has proven that he has what it takes to lead and the ability to make the hard decisions during tough times. Kerry? Well we all saw that his decision making prowess was less than stellar and it is hard to lead when you don't even know where you stand.

This is really a topic for the Harball Politics forum. Spend the dough (it isn't much), join as a subscriber and support this site, and then venture into the Politics forum if you wish to air it out any further. :cool:
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