Handful of Spooge!


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Hey Guys,
Today I was cleaning/prepping the bike for tomorrow's ride. While I'm doing this, I decide that perhaps I should clean out the S/A. So, I grab the socket and start to twist on the drain plug and, bloop, bloop, bloop. Now, I'm down in my buddies garage and don't want to drop oil all over his nice finished floor and all, so I end up with a hand full of oil. I guess the lesson learned here is this, be ready with a can to catch the spooge before you end up with it in your hands while all of your buddies start laughing! :scream: See ya' on the trails!

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
LOL, it sounds like a handshake was in order.

Have you done any jetting since the bike was new? The spoog build-up might well be the result of running too rich?



Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Hi Dave,
I haven't messed around with the jetting in the four months I've had the bike. (bought new) I have changed the mixture ratio to 40:1 running maxima super M and had better performance and zero fouled plugs though. When I rode yesterday it seemed as though the bike had more snap to it, maybe unplugging the pipe helped out? Quick question though, what can I do to the handlebars (minus buying a new set) that will get me more rise out of them? I seem to remember reading something about reversing a clamp, or am I completely off on the wrong track here? Thanks.
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