I have very similar issues with my RM250. The handlebar bend feels perfect when I'm sitting, but I feel like an ogre when I try to stand up. .. have to lean too far forward and down. I was going to do my conversion with taller bars. To me, that is the simplest way to do it.
RockyMountainMC.com a great chart with the width, height and pull back on all bars that they sell. Not saying necessarally to buy from them, but they have a good resource to research lots of differnent bends side-by side. I'd recommend figuring out exactly what you have now before you try to buy new bars.
Gomer's right about the knees being at least slightly bent. You don't ever want to lock your knees on a bike.
Going through the whoops, you should be pulling back on the bars as you're standing, not leaning on them. .. this, however transfers even more weight to your legs though.
I'll agree that nothing works the legs in quite the same way as actual riding, but bicycling is a good exercise to help if you can't get out and ride as often as you'd like to excercise.