Happy new year to you too. I know it is warmer there as I saw the news this morning and it is like summer. Here in West Virginia, it was 13 degrees this morning. I'm jealous!
Not me, freezing rain and sleet with possible snow out in my little piece of Texas tonight. Think I'll pop in the "Pearl Harbor" DVD I got in my stocking and enjoy a couple of Fosters.:) (I'm willing to bet that WILL be a certian somebody though huh Okie?:D )
Happy New Year to everyone (even those pesky kwodd riders):debil:
Happy new year everyone. Wayne, did you have a more interesting evening than me? We sat around, had a BBQ & couple of beers & didn't even get drunk.
We were meant to head north for a couple of days, but my car decided to die, so we're left in Auckland looking for a new car - boring.
Hope everyone has a more exciting evening :)
It's already 2002 in NZ, isn't it? Anyhoo, off to Thunder 33's tonight for some PlayStation gaming and some impromptu jam sessions in his basement. Nothing like a couple of fat guys jamming to late 80's-early 90's speedmetal.
Happy New Year, everyone!:)
What's 2002 like anyway, Michelle? Do you all live in cities in the sky and have flying cars like the Jetson's yet? Come on, fill us in about the FUTURE! ;)
Along those same lines, I had a friend call me from Germany a week ago Sunday. He mentioned how they were 7 hours ahead of me, so I asked him: "Did the Chiefs win today?" Ha ha, verry funny...:silly:
Happy New Years everyone! I'm getting ready to head over to a friends house to eat hot wings and get silly! :confused: Will be staying over so i dont take any chances of hurting anyone or getting hurt by someone else. Be Careful and THINK about what you are doing!
2002 is very exciting. Wait till you get here. The things to be seen ;)
The one thing i have noticed is how quiet all the neighbours are - made me almost tempted to go out & mow the lawns. Bet there are many sore heads around here lol
Happy New Year everyone. May it be better than the last. My last ended on a sour note. I passed a kidney stone and just got back from the emergency room. Do I know how to close out the year and party hard or what? :uh: It was the worst pain I have felt in a long time, but that was last year and things will get better right?