
Mar 4, 2005
Not a bike rider...but, membered mainly for the engine info and a quest for Forward Motion knowledge/service as "we" have accumulated and run the cr500 in karts without, to be honest, knowing what we have or are doing. Hope I'm not intruding. Great information, will be trying the service. Thanks

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
gofstrnlft said:
Not a bike rider...but, membered mainly for the engine info and a quest for Forward Motion knowledge/service as "we" have accumulated and run the cr500 in karts without, to be honest, knowing what we have or are doing. Hope I'm not intruding. Great information, will be trying the service. Thanks

Well, this is where some of the finest people in th motor world hang out. Eric, Rich and A.J. have forgotten more than most of us will ever learn about the CR500.

Welcome, and forgive us if we try and convert you.
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