Hello from Catalonia


Oct 11, 2004
Hi boys,

my name is Angel (don't you confuse, here Angel is a masculine name, he, he). I'm from a small village in Tarragona, Catalonia (Spain). I'm 38, I do enduro and I have an Honda 250 CRE (CR for enduro) that I love :yeehaw: .

I was looking for information of Asterisk knee braces (that finally I buyed last sunday and I have worn today for first time) and I found this site that seems a very good forum and has a lot of interesting information.

I think here writes a friend that also lives here in Tarragona. His name is Jaume, he is 39 and has a KTM 400. Do you know him?

I wanna put my avatar but I do not have the option in "Profile - Edit avatar". Can you help me?

Sorry if I can't write here often but my english is not very good :bang: . By the way, I will try to visit you as possible for me.


High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Usted habla Ingles mas bueno que hablo Espanol!


Is the CRE made by Honda or is it a CR that has the enduro kit added on?

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
First off Angel ... Your English is better than many teenagers here in America. ;)

Welcome to the site. :cool:

Regarding Jaume ... You are our first member from Spain (at least as far as I know) and Jaume is not a member unless he goes by a different screen name.

Regarding your braces ... You got the best and you came to the best place to ask questions about your new Asterisk braces. Check out the Asterisk forum and post up questions that you can't find asnwers too via search. Our own BillyWho designed the braces and probably knows more about them than anyone else alive!

Regarding your avatar question ... Check out the What are Subscribers and SupportTeam Members? thread for information regarding what the benefits are for the various levels of membership. Custom avatars (by members) are not allowed, custom avatars are designed by a member of the site and are awarded to contributing members that go above and beyond the norm in contributing to the site. There is a group of custom avatars available to susbscribers and support team members.

How is the riding in Spain? Is there an active off road riding community in Spain? Inquiring minds need to know! :)

Again, welcome to the site and shout if you have any questions!


Oct 11, 2004
Thanks for welcome :cool: .

Don't you confuse with my bad english, because it is easier to write slowly and consulting dictionary (he, he) than speaking or understanding what I read :bang: .

Gomer, my CRE 250 is as you say a CR with a kit. Honda really doesn't manufacture this bike for homologation, and here is something similar to HM CRE that fuzzy shows with this link (you can see it also in hmmoto.it). HM is an italian Honda dealer and here in Spain is another dealer (Motorgas) who makes the kit (and including some parts from HM). As you see, I'm pleased to talk about my bike, he, he.

Tony, as I can see I was wrong because I thought that my friend Jaume writes here. I will ask him. Certainly I found this site because he told me that he saw here something about Asterisk braces, and I see that you have a good sub-forum about it and I hope to participe. Now I only can say that first I wanted EVS WEB braces but finally I buyed Asterisk and I'm happy with my decision as I can see also from your opinion.

As you say, here there is an active off road riding community, specially in Catalonia (do you know Catalonia?) where is the most important comunity of riders in Spain. We have a lot of beautiful mountains to ride, the only problem is because we begin to have some problems with politiciens and suposed ecologists that wants to forbid bikes by the mountain, but we will continue while we can do it.

Here I'm not sure if enduro is as you know or different. I think is different from cross country, but because the laws I supose that in future it will be similar, with a shorter rally than we make now.

I want to ask you something. I have buyed 2 times in BTOsports. First time 3 years ago and 2nd time now that I'm waiting to receive the package. Do you know them? What do you think about BTO?

Again, thanks for welcome, and I'm pleased to be first member from Spain here :ride: . (and sorry for this too large writing
:bang: ).
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
If Jaume is a member, he is not using that screen name. Get him to sign up! We just had somebody named Dutbite join from Portugal last week.

I don't know Spanish geography well and really only know the location of a few cities and mountain ranges in Spain. I ride bicycles as well so I follow the Tour de France every July. I drink my fair share of Spanish wines though. :cool:

I am not familiar with BTOsports. Maybe someone else on the site will have heard of them. I buy almost all my gear from Jeff at MXSouth. His logo on the left sode of the page in red (MXS). It will take you there if you want to check his gear and equipment out. Jeff takes good care of us here at DRN. He is in Florida, so he is just across the pond from you.

Regarding your comment about coming to America sometime, I can assure you that many of us would be glad to take you under our wing while you are here and show you around. Many of us have mltiple bikes, so you will have to bring your gear. We just returned home from DirtWeek '04, which is our annual gathering at Cooperland Racetrack near Oklahoma City Oklahoma. We meet for a week of riding a racing every fall around the end of September / first of October. If you really want to meet a bunch of us, plan on coming next year!

Your English is very understandable and you are to be commended for trying. I lived with a woman that is fluent in Spanish and is now working on a Masters in Spanish Lingustics so she can teach. I learned a number of words, but did not take advantage of the resource durning the 5 years we were together.


Oct 11, 2004
Thanks, Tony.

If you follow the Tour de France I supose you know what Pirineos mountains are, and Catalonia is just under Pirineos in the mape (I borned in a small city in the Pirineos) and we are neighbours with France (only separated by the Pirineos). The most important city in Catalonia is Barcelona, do you know it?. I live 86 miles near from Barcelona, at south.

BTOSports is in Thousand Oaks, California. I have just buyed to him some things like an Amsoil/Chaparral graphics kit and another. I will visit also MXSouth as you say because in the future I'm interested to buy some things like a Fox boots and others (I'm a fan of Fox gear).

I didn't say that I will visit US in future, but be sure that I will pleased if I can do it. I want to thank you your invitation and I will consider it. I see that your Dirtweek seems a good gathering, and I hope you have enjoyed it.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Although I don't know exactly where you are you gave me a great hint. I know Barcelona well, if only from photographs, as I am an Architect and we studied old Europe in architectural history class. Never mind I have followed the rides through the mountains with the likes of Miguel Indurain and Lance Armstrong. I have considered traveling to Europe many times, but work and/or lack of money have always prevented it. If Lance rides the Tour next year a bunch of friends are going, so I might have to go also. If I do, I will be sure to send you a note.

I must have dreamed that you said you wanted to come to America and visit. ;) It wouldn't be the first time I put words in other folks mouths. Well in any case, please know you are welcome here in my home and likely any other home of any DRNer you might manage to meet.

I am going to try my rusty Spanish and Latin.

Buenas noches mi amigo! :cool:


Oct 11, 2004
Tony Eeds said:
I know Barcelona well, if only from photographs, as I am an Architect...
Buenas noches mi amigo! :cool:

I'm photographer and I was living in Barcelona for 20 years.

Lance is the Nº1, the boss, the king of bicycles. :worship:

If you come here, don't forget to contact with me. Remember that Pirineos is one of the hardest and most beautiful station on Tour de France and if you can, go there, be sure you will like it.

Buenas noches!!! (in Catalanish: "Bona nit" ) :cool:


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
Angle: Welcom to the site! I lived in Spain for a short while and I would have loved to had a bike over there. I do miss how relaxed it is over there.


Oct 11, 2004
Thanks, Kav. I 'm happy it liked to you. Where did you live in Spain? (I mean in which place exactly) In Catalonia?


Crash Master
Damn Yankees
Jan 20, 2001
no I lived in Salamanca. I got to go to Grenada, Segovia, Madrid, and even La Mancha :laugh: and quite a few other citys. it's was more of a vacation honstly, but a fairly long one. (and I'm sorry if I misspelled any of the town names)


Oct 11, 2004
Kav, you were in good cities, but I hope you visit Catalonia (and if possible Tarragona :cool: ) if you come back here in future.

(Sorry, I didn't saw your message before).


Oct 21, 2004
From one new member to another new member, welcome to DRN Angel!
Let us hope the politicians and ecologists leave us all plenty of free land to ride.

Take care friend


Oct 11, 2004
Thanks, Vampirz.

I can tell you that I live where Bultaco is from (Catalonia) and I know personally to a son and a grandson of creator of those bikes, Paco Bulto :worship: (who is dead).

(Sorry if my english is not enoughly understable :bang: )


Oct 21, 2004
Your English is very good Angel. That is awesome to know family of Paco Bulto! I knew that Bultaco was from Spain but did not know from what region. Are Bultaco still manufactured there?


Oct 11, 2004
Yes, Vampirz, Bultaco and Bulto family are from Catalonia.

Actually, Bultaco doesn't manufacture any bike. The name of this brand was bought by Sherco, but they don't use it here in Spain. Do you know Sherco? They manufacture bikes for trials and they use the name of Bultaco-Sherco only for other countries (I think they do it in USA).

Here, everyboby will be happy if Bultaco manufacture bikes for MX again, but we are sure that this is impossible.
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