I am trying to get into riding again and I am starting to buy my gear. Currently I ride my buddy's bike and use his extra helmet. The helmet I have been using is an extra large, but it is somewhat loose. I went to the bike store and tried on a few brands and sizes and I found that I am somewhere between a large and an extra large helmet.
I figured if I buy a large helmet, then I will break it in a bit and it will be nice and snug. When I tried on the large, they seemed a bit tight (difficult getting on my head). When I tried an extra large, it seemed way too loose. Should I buy the tighter helmet and try breaking it in or should I buy a larger helmet and have it sit loose on my head?
I am leaning towards the tighter helmet due to safety and stability. I am also trying to stay with the Fox brand.
Any suggestions?
I figured if I buy a large helmet, then I will break it in a bit and it will be nice and snug. When I tried on the large, they seemed a bit tight (difficult getting on my head). When I tried an extra large, it seemed way too loose. Should I buy the tighter helmet and try breaking it in or should I buy a larger helmet and have it sit loose on my head?
I am leaning towards the tighter helmet due to safety and stability. I am also trying to stay with the Fox brand.
Any suggestions?