help a new guy


Jan 14, 2008
Alright first off, I'm 19 years old, and I have wanted a dirt bike since I can remember.. literally since elementary school.

However my dad would never buy me one, now I have the financial needs to buy a bike and planned on buying a used one.

I have a few questions.. what do I need to know about buying one, and what will I need to ride it?

Also, I'm about 5'8 and 130lbs, a small guy, what bike do I look at getting? This is my first bike, I have rode before a few times but my experience is minimal.

So 2 stroke? 4 stroke? 2 stroke 85 or 125? 4 Stroke 125 or 250?

I'm ignorant, so please help

Thank you


Nov 27, 2007
Hey Sisk. I'm 21 and was in the same boat as you. I finished college, got a job and bought a cr250. I'm 6'0 and 246lbs. I never rode a dirtbike till I got mine. Well, actually I rode a cr50, lol....

Anyways, my opinion...If you know anyone that rides, go spend a day with them and ride... If they got 125's or 250's try them both out and go from there. I wanted to go 4 stroke, but i know i'd be breaking stuff left and right since i was new to the sport, and it's cheaper to fix a 2 stroke then it is a 4 stroke.

Anyways, not sure if this helped, but i thought i would share...

Have a good one....

PS. These guys and girls on this website are cool, they really help you out, if you ask the right way.... Good luck..



Jan 14, 2008
Problem is I don't know really anyone with a dirt bike, I wish that was an option to me.

I hope I've asked the right way.

I've read very different opinions when it comes to 2 or 4 stroke, which doesn't help either.. haha


Nov 27, 2007
hmmmm, I don't know what to tell you then bro... lol I was really lucky to have some friends that got me into it... All I can tell you is that with Honday and Yamaha, parts are easy to find... and while looking for a bike, look on, then again i'm not sure where you're from...



Jan 14, 2008
1) 5'8 130lbs
2) am i aggressive? relatively aggressive i suppose
3) use for bike - the occasional track, mainly just to have fun on, no racing
4) experience - maybe 2 hours total
5) no racing
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work? no
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)? no and no, not really sure of any differences
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? yes right by my place
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike? less than 1500 on a used one
10) Do you live in California? no, Texas
11) Your age? 19
12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion - first bike for me

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
try to do a search in this forum... there are the information you need to know what you want...
for exemple about the number of strokes and the type of bike

i would search for a kdx 200, wr250 or a crf 250x... good luck


Oct 24, 2006
I live in Texas as well, and if you will be patient and watch the classified boards religiously you CAN and WILL find a nice bike for a great price. Some sites to check that I check myself and suggest, in addition to the classifieds here on DRN is then I think...rums" and the classifieds are in that section (I think, may double check this on yahoo, its Texas cross country racing assoc.)

Also, check ebay and if its a Texas seller, nice bike, and they didn't get any bids. Contact them, go look at it and make them a cash offer.....I bought one of my bikes that way.....and it was a really nice clean bike and got it for a cheap price.

If I were you, I would get a 2000 + year model 125 2-stroke. Their cheap, and since its your first bike it will be great to learn on.

Good Luck

EDIT: I suggest something like this, and it was/is in Waco......he may not still have it but there wil be others
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Apr 2, 2007
ya i just got a 2000 yz 125 and im loving it. Im 5-6 and i ride it great. i would think to go with a 2 stroke 125. They have enough power and a good bike to learn on. Also there parts are a lot cheaper than 4 strokes and not as much matnience. O ya and i got it for 1400 so there cheap to get. Good luck



Dec 5, 2007
i started in my early teens on a 78 and 79 xr/xl 250 4 stroke those bikes were awesome i was like 130 pds on a 230 pd bike id say lol but after i got used to them id laugh at anyone older then me on a smaller bike i even rode my dads 78 yamaha tt500 4 stroke and that thing was crazy he didnt let me ride it anymore after i hit a fence lol id just go get a 250 2 stroke or a 450 4 stroke if i was you you might outgrow something smaller or want more power after you get some practice (go big or go home) lol


Nov 25, 2007
>>However my dad would never buy me one.
It is actually good for you. You get to learn to work hard in order to get what you want. You also get to be proud of yourself!
>>How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike? less than 1500 on a used one
You should be able to get a decent 125 smoker. The good thing about riding a 2 stoke 125 for a period of time is that you get to learn a clutch work.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
I would get a 125 2stroke. relitivle easy to fix with a basic knowlage. maint is pretty low and pretty cheap. you can get some smokin deal out their if you look around. check around here in your area see if you can hook up with someone from the board here show you around mabey let you ride their bike. always good to have a riding buddy.

but back to what to get. a 125 will let you learn. their weight is really light and once you start to pick it up and get comfortable they have the capability to be a good early race bike even against 4strokes. esspecially if you get the 144kit. look around you should be able to pick up a mid 2000 bike for cheap
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