Help! bike down.....


Apr 1, 2006
I am posting this in the General, because for those that's general knowledge and not bike specific. I hate to jump on out of nowhere and ask help(my new baby keeps me quite busy...let's hope she rides!)...but i was ready to start riding...till now

the quick story.....changed oil the first time with my Moose magnetic drain bolt. snugged it with my fingers and grabbed the socket wrench to snug it. I BARELY turned the bolt and the head of the bolt snapped off leaving the bolt threaded in. it doesn't appear anything has stripped....the bolt is just junk.

What's the best way to back that sucker back out?

I know you guys know this stuff. The bolt was hollow in the middle to hold the magnet. Seems the thing was made of potted-like metal. thanks fellas!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
You can use a left handed drill bit and slowly get it out, or use a 1/4" bit and drill into the plug and then use an easy-out. The last method I suggest is slow but effective. Using a sharp center punch, angle the punch to rotate the plug counterclockwise and gently work it around with a hammer. The initial turn may take a sharp blow but subsequent "raps" should be easy until you can grab the plug with vise grips.


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN

I second that.. I've backed out many broken bolts where they didn't strip with this method.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
How many times my plumbing days have been salvaged chiseling seized bolts out. Learned from my early days with no torque wrench on my dirt bike. There is a bit of skill involved, and a good sharp Klein screwdriver? No, kidding about the screwdriver, the handle will/could shatter. My favorite is a through handle wood chisel, the steel shank goes all the way through. Orange steel chisels are a joke. They have to be made soft for safety? The older dark chisels rule! And do shatter once in a while. Drive a notch towards the outside as far as you can, straight down, then use the notch at an angle to drive it out counter clock-wise. I would use a chisel about 1/4" wide on that one. The left handed drill bit takes some thinking to grind! And run the drill back wards, its way cool when it works. It already has a hole in it, but the proper size easy out is important, and I am not a big fan, especially when they break. They are made of the good steel though, and will shatter for removal. I would probably try to warm the surrounding case some also. It should come right out, unless the threads are crossed. Just a matter of getting some torque on it, in the proper direction! Vintage Bob