Help me find the right bike :)


Jul 7, 2000
Not to promote defecit spending or anything, Yamaha does offer 6 months of free riding on their card if you have good credit. I think it runs until the end of the year. You don't have to pay anything if you qualify. Just trying to get you hooked on the sport sooner ;) ride now pay later:D


Feb 23, 2002
well, i have to second the "peeping tom" thing chili just said, but i thought i'd see what you gu...whoops, almost said guys... chicks are doing in here. anyway, i am a 15 1/2 year old 5'8" guy and i started last year at christmas on a 2001 TT-R125L, and it got me hooked. if you only asked earlier, (or if i peeped more ;) ),dang it, i would have had a deal for you, because i sold my TT-R about 3 weeks ago to a german guy for $1600. i was even brave enough to *try* and race it in the 80cc beginner class, and if i didn't get off in the whoops and break my clutch lever i woulda won too. (yeah right :p ) anyway, i was 5'7" and 127 pounds when i started riding, and it was a great bike for me. you made a great choice. just do yourself a favor, don't get the 03 models, especially if you are concerned about weight, they have electric start, which they did NOT need to begin with, and a remote-reservior shock, which really doesn't improve action, THAT much, and it's a hundred bucks more. if you drop your goggles on the kickstarter it will start, for cryin' out loud, j/k. the TT-R is a great choice, plus it helps not to be intimidated or scared your first time out, and i have gotten *ahem* pretty good because i wasn't afraid to take the bike to it's limits, and actually beat a few of my friends on 80's on makeshift tracks, blah blah blah, you'll for sure be doing the same. i even admit it, another chick on a tt-r125L and her friend on an XR200 beat me on the track i beat the 80 riders on. :eek: chicks can ride great, because of their natural slimness. the only reason i'm not a beergut-contest-contender is because i also ride BMX and play football. anyway, off the subject.

I am vouching for the TT-R, because i was the same weight and hight, but less skill level than you when i first rode, and it was a great choice.

have a great Christmas, and i hope you get the bike!!



Dec 2, 2002
My naughty husband snuck one by me and Christmas morning a brand new shiny TT-R125L was under the tree for me!! :)

I was only was able to take it out on my bro-in-law's oval in his yard so far (darn Xmas dinner with the family - J/K), but as soon as I have a chance we are heading out to the trails for some real riding. I can't wait - this is SO exciting!

Thanks for all the advice everyone!!

-Sarah ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Wahooo Sarah :) That's great.
Of course we need a full ride report once you have ridden. Pictures if possible too.
What a cool christmas (and husband) :)


Dec 2, 2002
Thanks everyone! Not only did I get my new bike, but since my family knew it was coming they bought me all the gear I needed, so now I'm all hooked up. Helmet, boots, goggles, pants, jersey, knee pads...I am SO ready to ride!!

Will be back in to report as soon as I get my first big ride!! :) See you all out there!

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Ya know, ya'll don't live that far from Reno... What are you and yer hubby and yer new bike doing on the weekend of February 14-17?
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