Not sure if this should be here or elsewhere (general?), but as it's quiet, here goes ;)
For all you guys who's wife/gf/so/whatever has bought you a bike - how do they manage to keep it quiet? Do you have separate accounts? How do they know what bike to get?
My husband & I are close, separate accounts (I pay the bills, we spend his money, I just can't save after everything's paid for, so that's his job). I wanted to get Henk a bike for Christmas, but wasn't sure what to get him. I had to get him to sort out what he wanted, then we both went to order it.
Okay, I could have bought him a KTM (but I hate them), or a four stroke (he hates them), so definitely needed him to test ride a bike first then decide. Just wanting to know how the other women manage to get away with it? (okay, it doesn't help him preferring exotica to normallacy - is that a word? - but even if he was normal, how do you know, except for them circling the ads in the magazines? And how the hell do you hide what you're up to?