Hi Chilliedawg,
I've been riding my whole life AND homeschooling my kids....One of the things that I have noticed when it comes to riding the track or the trails is that 99% of the riders are there with their families. My son (he's 15) has always gotten p.e. credit for riding his dirtbike. The essay you should write is a persuasive essay outlining the pros and cons. Of course you will have to counter argue the pros which should be easy...Here are some outline topics...
family atmosphere means weekend bbq's at the track/trails with other families thereby fostering friendships.
Do the mainenance yourself which saves lots of money....Internet is a great source of information if you get into a jam. There is always a neighbor who is able to offer a second oppinion if you get stuck. Lastly, you can treat the mainenance time as "shop class" (after regular school hours of course! LOL)
You must/will help w/ the finances towards taking care of the bike. For example, baby-sit, dog-sit, paper route, do WHATEVER it takes to earn the money towards this sport, your parents will see that you are serious and responsible... Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, there are motorcycle classes which are offered in many areas that teach the responsabilities of riding safely.
Counter arguements could include injuries (I'm sure your parents are mostly worried about you getting hurt) If you are wearing all the proper protection during a ride, you will usually not get hurt as bad as if you were NOT wearing the proper protection. Plus, I have noticed that beginner riders usually don't ride above their means. Basically, take it easy while learning. Trails and tracks have a ONE WAY riding direction. This of course means that you will or should not be running into anyone coming from the opposite direction and therefore will lesson your chances of getting hurt. Lastly, street bikes compete w/ cars on the road, dirtbikes don't!
Never ride anywhere that isn't legal and always wear everything required to ride. If you have good foundations at the beginning of learning to ride they will carry over for life!
I wish you luck convincing your parents and if it works, GREAT! If they say no, at least I hope you get an A on your persuasive essay for trying! :aj: