I always work out with HIT. I am a FIRM believer in intensity. Have been for about 5 years now. For someone wanting some size and strength, you can get no better results than with HIT and good protein. My intensity level has dropped somewhat since I have been married, but I still hit it hard enough to mantain and gain from time to time. I always use some variation of the workout that Payday just posted. When I started lifting, I used that exact workout(Got it from Bill Phillip's Supplement review book). While supplementing with creatine, protein, and glutamine, I went from 145 lbs. to 170 lbs. and dropped from 8% body fat to 6% body fat in 6 months. I am currently 190 lbs. @ about 9% body fat. In October, I set a new PR on bench at 335 lbs.
All that said, muscle mass and brown fiber strength (short bursts of power), doesn't really contribute to riding.(except for picking your bike up off the ground) Cardio and white fiber strength (longer periods of power) will help with training for racing or riding.
If you really push and lift intensly, you will see results, and you will be exhausted. I did squats Tuesday, and I'm so sore right now I couldn't throw my leg over a bike if I tried.
If you train with high intensity, eat lots of protein and get plenty of rest!
One of the hardest things for me to train with high intensity, is getting my mind set. 95% of it is in your head. Get excited about it, and get fired up, and really believe you can lift X amount or do X reps, and you will be amazed. A good partner can be a BIG help.
Obviously, ALWAYS use good form and don't hurt yourself.
Another thing: Don't over train. Try to be finished with you workout in 45 minutes to an hour. Don't turn it in to an endurance event. KEEP the intensity up.
My current routine is as follow:
Day 1: rest
Day 2: Chest, Biceps, Triceps
Day 3: rest
Day 4: Legs, Calves, Forearms
Day 5: rest
Day 6: Shoulders, Back, Traps
Day 7: rest
start over
I never do the same excercise for a muscle two weeks in a row. For ex. Flat bench one week, and incline the next week........