Husaberg MC 550


Mar 30, 2001
Thought I might join in and open with a desctiption of the first ride on my new Svedish stallion, Husaberg 550. It seems to me that there are few posts about them so here is at least one more.
Anyway, here goes;;

Dear fellow Gentlemen.

After having worn out the Husaberg brochure on the toilet, My new friend,“Brutus Maximus” was finally towed to my favorite driving area. alongside a FC470 from my friend,Sveinn.
The 550 and 470 may look the same but when they idle, you will comprehend quickly that these are two different beasts.

A deep puff from my enduro pipe, and I put my butt in the saddle. The sound and vibration oooze Power even on a standstill. Oh, I think. Maybe at long last the Milkey-Way is for me to explore!!

I put her in first but that is a waste of time. I put her in second and third, and that is a waste of time. In fourth I am still waisting time, but she is starting to hook up. I am still barely over the Pilot circuit, trying to brake in this Heliumbomb!!.
I roll on the throttle and fourth was over in a blur. Fifth went by even faster. Insanity, my friends, insanity! I put her in sixth and out of pure stupidity I pull the Dellorto“Vergasser”to the metal. I am rewarded instantly with my eyeballs pointing up to the Milkey-Way!! This bike is totally, utterly, brutally, stupendously insane. A powerband is nonexistant. You are surrounded by it! A gearbox is irrellevant, but because it is there you go through the gears, and the landscape goes past like a distorted blur in an abstract movie from hell.........

My hands have lenghtened by 3 inches.........
If it had 8 gears it would pull that too........
Sveinn thought that his sparkplug was missing from his 470..........
The foam on my goggles is compressed into my forehead.........
Everything else is like a Hodaka 50. Puny and Pipey...........
Thank you, great off-road lord in the sky, for heedin my power prayers!!!!!!!!

Handling you ask? What can I say? It has the same character as the good old 501, but more precise. More planted. Very effortless sitting position.
In my opinion it feels lighter. It is amazing that a bike with this horrendous power can handle so well and be so flickable. From time to time she reminds you though that you are on a 500 +. Turns with the rear wheel. Fantastic brakes. You will hardly need the rear though. Vibes are not annoying but can clearly be felt. This is a racebike. Do not trail-ride this bike unless you are experienced!!

Now if you will excuse me gentlemen, I will have to buy a bone for my dog and some flowers for my wife.
She is planning to divorce me...............

May the force and spirit of Brutus maximus be with you,


Apr 1, 2001
Hi, Lopi.

I think I might have an idea of what you are talking about. Iwas used to two=strokes for all my life until I bought my 501. This bike is awesome! But like you say, a professional would be best suited for this bike. I cannot seem to make the grade, so must step down from the Husaberg monster and snivel back to a smaller two-stroke.

Anyone want to trade?



Jan 30, 2000
Gosh Lopi, I'm reading your post and I can't figure it out. Do you like the bike?
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