i cant decide


Sep 7, 2008
hey guys im new to this forum and was wondering if you could help me out?

ok so curently i have a 06 drz 125 nd its wayyyy too small for me now so im looking into a 2 stroke but i have a couple options

1:buy my buddys 2000 kx 125 for 1000 tht has a full pro curcuit pipe nd new brakes


2:buy a 1990 yz 250 for 600 and add on some upgrades with the extra money

im leaning more towards the kx but its pretty cheap for a 2000 nd idk if thers other problems with it but i figured most people on this thread know whats good and whats not between these 2 bikes?

thanx for the help guys


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
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