I finally got BOOTS !


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
Finally, after years of riding in running shoes, I got boots. I always wanted boots, but didn't think it would be worth the money it would cost. So, I just killed pair after pair of running shoes and attained all sorts of lovely scars. In the summertime when I wore shorts or a skirt, people would stop and say,"yikes, what happened to your leg"? Last summer, for the entire season my right leg was blue, green, yellow,purple and swelled up from the knee down, with a big gash up the inside. And the muscles in my foot all wadded up in one spot, hurting like crazy. This of course was caused by what my friend calls, "the evil WR250 kickback syndrome", "ewks" for short. Of course there were other injuries on top of that, stick and rock bruises, burns, sharp sticks jammed up under my skin (ouch!!). And of course, I never got boots or stopped riding.

But just a month ago, I decided to go for it. So we went to the bike shop and got me a pair of Thor Quadrant boots. WOW !! I love them! No more balled up muscles, nasty kickback injuries, sticks and stones WON'T break my bones anymore! I am so glad to have my boots, I would never go back to riding hard without them.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to you guys. A lot of people here told me to get boots, and that I was stupid for riding without them. Thank you for talking me into it!! :nod:


Apr 8, 2005
Congrats for taking the plunge. . . LOL

And you'd be shocked at the difference between low price,mid price and high price boots.

I just bought some new Fly Talons for $50 shipped - they're not as good as my old Tech 8s, but they're not bad. Iron Pony has them in sizes 6 and 7 for $50-60 shipped.


May 25, 2006
Lo riding without boots is never a good idea, you should always wear protective gear

Like the manuals say
WARNING: you WILL be KILLED or seriously injured if you do not fallow instructions (repeat x2 with Cation and Danger)

robwbright said:
Iron Pony has them in sizes 6 and 7 for $50-60 shipped.

Iron pony RULES!!!!!


Aug 21, 2005
flyingfuzzball said:
digifox i hope the maual spells follow right though lol
Digifox, I hope the manual spells "follow" correctly.

If you choose to correct others you should edit your own post before you click that "Submit" button. :nener: :nener: :nener:
May 10, 2007
Dear FruDaddy,

I appreciate you editing my post though i believe you will find digifox's name is not capitalized. In addition to that right would be slang for correctly. Since this is not formal slang is accepted. I was also just correcting his spelling not the puncuation and capitalization of his post. I do believe that i spelled everything right (slang for correct) in my post.


PS You need to add a comma after others because it is an introductory clause that is not needed. The rest of the sentence can stand by itself without it.


Damn Yankees
Nov 7, 2006

Relax or I will toss my "maual " at you. :nener:


Nov 30, 2003
Glad you got boots. I landed a bit short on a tripple this weekend and mildly sprained both ankles. I'm convinced if it wasn't for my SG-10's, I'd have at least one cast.

For those looking for an inexpensive boot with great features, RC/ATV's MX240V boot can't be beat. Bought some for my girlfriend and their great. Easy break-in, flexable and great protection. A midrange boot at an entry price.

Last edited:


Jul 9, 2008
The Quadrant is a good boot, especially in its respective price range. I got a pair with ATV soles, for aggressive (very) trail riding with my dual-sport. They're much more comfortable than the FOXs, AXOs, Alpinestars, etc. that I've had before and so far, they're wearing much better too. There's some legitimacy to presuming higher price = higher quality and better protection but...well, lemme' put it this way....

I've managed to sandwich my foot between the engine case of my XR650L (350 lbs) and a boulder, three times in the last few months. Twice, I was wearing the Quadrants and once, my embarassingly hi-dollah, top-o-D-line FOXs. With the Quads, it hurt like hell both times but there was no real injury. With the FOXs, it hurt just as much and I broke several bones in my foot. My next boots will probably be MX Quadrants.


Mod Ban
Dec 19, 2007
medwaste said:
250girl- Now how about a chest protector?

I have chest protecters, 2 of them. I grew 'em myself. :)


Crash Test Dummy
Jul 18, 2006
Amo, IN
250girl said:
I have chest protecters, 2 of them. I grew 'em myself. :)

Errr.. yeah, you need something to protect those.

I took a handlebar to the ribs once, not exactly the best feeling. I should have been wearing my CP.


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
thems are for inspection, not protection. :)

Ask Squeaks about hitting the bar with her new CP on. It knocked the wind out of her, but no injury.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Papakeith said:
thems are for inspection, not protection. :)

Ask Squeaks about hitting the bar with her new CP on. It knocked the wind out of her, but no injury.

Ah, yes, the twin globular balancing device. Never have I seen someone come to a near full stall, back tire still spinning and continue up the hill. :whoa:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Rooster said:
Ah, yes, the twin globular balancing device. Never have I seen someone come to a near full stall, back tire still spinning and continue up the hill. :whoa:

Quit picking on me - you're all just jealous!

250girl - DEFINITELY, get a chest protector. I came around a slippery corner one day while riding, tried to cross a root, and ended up slammed into my handlebars. It HURT, knocked the wind out of me and everything, but I'm convinced had it not been for my CP I'd at least have had cracked some ribs or something.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
squeaky said:
Quit picking on me - you're all just jealous

I'm going to have to decline any further comment on this ... :p


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
I have a friend who rides without a chest protector because he can't get used to them. Let's see--almost annually breaks a rib, which means no riding for six weeks. Add that to the three broken fingers a year, blah blah. Sure seems like he's sitting out a lot. And he's got his own land. That sure would be frustrating, I'd think.

Meanwhile- I got flipped off my bike by a stupid root, took a handle bar hard to the collar bone. Nothing. Got up, got on the bike and kept riding. Had a really bad bruise to my unprotected knee where the bike landed on me though. That took over 3 months to heal.

Your call, I guess. Congrats on the boots.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
squeaky said:
Quit picking on me - you're all just jealous!
Heck, he's not jealous. The rest of us are jealous of him!

Didja do the motorboat, Roost? You motorboatin' son of a gun!

(okay, PK, you can come in with the "LINE!" post now

and 250girl: Boots should have been second on your list after the helmet. Now you know :)
Apr 30, 2007
Oh geeze...another boob thread.

Ah...owning a pair of them myself, I don't ride without a BP either. You can find a BP SUPER cheap. Seriously, just attend one race and walk around the pits. It is UNBELIEVABLY painful going into the bars (no not the drinking kind of bars) without one on.

Before I had the CP I nearly got both of the "girls" pierced when I crashed in the woods...and it left a pretty wicked mark.

...Sorry guys, I will not post scar pics for you. :nener:


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Sounds like you are happy with the advice on boots, I'm sure you would be happy with the CP advice as well. What's the saying? Dress for the crash?

flying flea

Mar 18, 2008
Congrats on the boots! They were the first thing my dad got for us besides helmets. Once we got chest protectors, we realized what idiots we were to have not ridden without them. They are simply great to have, boy or girl.