I had a melt down....

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
Fred, I lost my access to KTMtalk - lack of use. I have tried twice to reload my password - it may not be worth the hassle.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
fatherandson said:
Fred, I lost my access to KTMtalk - lack of use. I have tried twice to reload my password - it may not be worth the hassle.

I e mailed it to you Mike.

Tom Dixon

Farmer Tom = Face Planter
Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 15, 2001
What an @$$ hole!!!

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Fred - you know where your friends are...right here on DRN. Ignore them SOBs on that other site!

I am impressed with the restraint you showed in your response to that guy! Yet you got your point across. What a diplomat!

Interesting his comment about waiting 20 feet from a check point. When i came into...i think it was the check in into that long section (the last scored section for the C riders), I see this guy sitting there in front of a clump of dense brush - as I pull along side, I yell out "what minute are you on" - by then I was going pretty slow - begining to wonder what he knew that i didnt - he says something back - the gist of which was shut the hell up...next I see a splotch of color from the other side of that clump of brush - there cleaverly hidden was a check point. He was on minute 44 as it turned out - I came in on minute 41 (i was riding on 40 and had screwed up my timekeeping). The guy on 44 had passed me in the connector trail a few miles before. His fault!

I dont know if the check crew ever figured out he was there or not before his minute came up - but to me that was an excellent example of playing the game - if they cant see your number they cant score you - if they see you come to a stop and can see your # they can score - and they cant leave their check point to see your #. My impression is the check crew knew they could not leave that spot to see his # - and sat there waiting for him to pull in. Bottom line is - that crew seemed to play 100% by the rules. (as much as i am sure it frustrated them - they had to know he was there!). then again...i wonder what minute Vinduro was actually on...maybe that was him? Maybe the check crew did see his # and scored him accordingly!

I think Vinduro is simply a sore looser - sure maybe things did not go 100% perfect..and yep when that happens, someone is sure to get burned. Such is life!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
I think you'er being a bit over-excited about Dwight's comments. Dwight has many an opinion on most things and usually it's a very distinct view. Not something to get wound up about.
Your rebuttal remind me of SandStormer's backlash when a few bad comments were given about the Loose Goose. It looks not bad, but not as good as it could, for the sponsoring club. I can talk, I do 9 or more events a year.
Best to take their comments under advisement and if you are really in a huff, remind them they don't have to come back.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001

Ya, your right Jeremy. I was just proud of this enduro because the riders complained so much for the past few years about us running so much ORV stuff - I was excited to have land to put trail on. We will have land for many years now and thats exciting.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
Fred T said:
I was just proud of this enduro because the riders complained so much for the past few years about us running so much ORV stuff - I was excited to have land to put trail on. We will have land for many years now and thats exciting.

Nothing wrong with pride in ones work. From all the comments I've seen on the event, I'd say pride is well deserved.
Very cool regarding the availability of event trail. Hopefully I'll get to ride this enduro some day soon.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Geez...........I guess some people just like to complain. Any other year and he (Vinduro) would probably be complaining about the sand whoops. It sounds like he should just go ride around the church parking lot!

It has always amazed me that an enduro can even be pulled off. I takes a huge amount of planning and effort to coordinate so many people's activities over such a large area, all at once.

Shrug it off buddy. Some people will never be happy.


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
No matter how much one tries, or how REALLY GREAT something is, someone will always have a bad experience where many more have a great experience. Listen to them all and take the good tips with the bad to make the next one BETTER YET!

I wish I would've been there as originally planned, it sounds like it was a great event. Great work, LMC!

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
Next year it will be better, we will learn form the suggestions. You can bet on it. I'm OK now, post race tension I guess. Thanks for the nice comments everybody.


Jul 31, 2000
Fred, I think your event was awesome.
I was one of the guys stuck in the swamp in the first section, and was really pissed at first, because they re-routed right behind me, but then you gotta laugh about this stuff....its part of the game and I had a awesome time. I was on minute 16, so that would be right behind him and I had no trouble following the arrows...oh sure, I missed a turn here or there, but that was mainly because of lack of oxygen and brain malfunction. FWIW, I don't think Vinduro meant to blast you, he's just got a way with words....


May 21, 2004
Fred (and all of the LMC),

I loved the Jack Pine!!! The course was awesome, well laid out, challenging and had some rippin' fast sections too cool down/catch up on. The beautiful weather helped a little but that would have been a great ride regardless. I am sitting here trying to figure how it could have been better and the only thing I can think of would be if I beat my buddy Smitdog, but that ain't happening anytime soon. :laugh: I just hope I'm available for the Jack Pine in '06. If I am...count me in.



Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
You and the club should be proud Fred.... With my limited experience, that trail was what an enduro should be.. fun and challenging. And the fact that the club and this event has brought us new ORV trail.... That's awesome!

Vinduro's comments could have been more tactful, but getting feedback is important in order to continue to put on quality events. The negative feedback on miles and miles of sand whoops / ORV trail from years past resulted in changes that gave us the great event trail we had this year. I don't know what the trend has been in JP rider counts over the years, but I bet this year's event will help boost that number in the years to come.

Now as far as "playing the game"....

1) You can peg-walk the bike in, right? As long as you are behind the check line, and your feet are up, they can't score you, correct?

2) If you're peg-walking, the check crew cannot cross the line, run up to you, and score you, correct?

3) You can hide or turn around if coming in hot to a check, as long as the check crew cannot make out your number and/or identify you, they cannot score you correct?

4) What if you do ride in hot close enough to a check that they can see your number, but you turn around without touching the ground and head back down the trail for a bit to kill time. What happens then?

Team Froggie said:
I am sitting here trying to figure how it could have been better and the only thing I can think of would be if I beat my buddy Smitdog, but that ain't happening anytime soon.
I "let" you beat me at the LM... how many "gimmies" do you want? ;)

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