I know its the green sticker again


Jun 10, 2004
I know this has probably been asked quite a bit, but kind really find much on it with the search. So CA has the green sticker banned for 2003 and later, but I want a new bike. So what has everybody in cali been doing with all their new bikes. I see them all the time, but never see the sticker side of the bike, so dont know if its older but looks new. Just wondering does everyone just avoid the rangers (cause I dont have a problem with that) but just wanted to know if anyone has found an easier way around the problem? Or do u guys just sit around your bikes every weekend for 9 months waiting to ride? And no i wont move to another state, cause theres to much to do here in beautiful, sunny California.


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
if you are allowed to ride an out of state bike you can easily get a michigan orv permit sent to you and tell them its a relatives bike :think:


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
If you ride track only the green/red sticker does matter also the desert areas are year round riding, so that's not a problem, if your trail riding on legal trails you best better have a green sticker either pre 03 or newer, they are cracking down and will impound your bike if you are caught riding off season with a red sticker bike.

If you're looking for a new bike for legal trail riding the CRF-X, EXC, and WR's are all green sticker

If you're thinking of do illegal trail riding.......Buy a pre 80's bike, that way when we catch ya and throw your bike down a mine shaft, you're not out a ton of money :laugh:


Apr 13, 2000
soap said:
Inew. Just wondering does everyone just avoid the rangers (cause I dont have a problem with that) but just wanted to know if anyone has found an easier way around the problem? .

Thats the problem....People avoiding or running from the rangers. All it does is piss them off.. Then when they roll up to me on my 02 they already have an attitude. Usually after a they find out Im within the law they are cool but the first few minutes usually suck.

Solution to your problem: by an 02 for $3-4000 then spend the rest of the money on suspension, motor or whatever. For less than a new bike you can have one of the trickest out there.

Sorry to rant but Im just tired of paying for everyone elses bs.


Jun 10, 2004
I didnt mean that i run form the rangers, cause i ride a 1999, so green stickered. But i can see where u are coming from. I guess i will just setup a 2002, thanks


Dec 13, 2005
Ive had rangers let us go as long as we have a spark arrestor. The ones Ive talked to think its bull crap that a blown out 1991 cr250 that runs like crap is ok to ride in an area where a 2005crf 450 isnt. The rangers are just like us. Thats why they have a cool job riding a xr400 around all day. Its the politicians that are ruining it for us. They dont know Shi#. I can say that the sierra club is slowly but surely fading away in my perspective.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Club Sierra is not our only problem, CBD,CWC,FOJF,COW are all poised to smack us down, There is grass root anti OHV groups in just about every neighborhood and riding area you can think of, all of them screaming to county officials ( with help from the enviro groups mentioned above ) to Ban OHV riding in rural areas, all the while we have Sierra club, CBD,CWC,FOJF and COW all trying to close down open riding areas either though ESA or OHV hate mail to legislators complaining about dust, sound levels, trepassing and even vehicle assult.

Right now, Stewards of the Forest are trying to get us banned of the Sequoias by asking everyone to write the USFS negitive letters ranging from DUI, Assult with a OHV, Dust to illegal campfires. All this just to make sure that no further OHV use will be allowed in any NF and most, if not all these complaints are fictious or over stated.

I can go on and on to the point it would make you sick, but you know what ??, we bring it down on ourselves by illegal riding, ignoring designated trail systems, loud pipes and being inconsiderate of everyone else that uses the trail systems.

If we don't get our sh*t together and take these lying zealots as a real and very active threat, we are going to be without riding areas on either our private property or open riding areas and No, I am NOT exaggerating, I see and deal with this crap almost every day.
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